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"So you're like a witch?" I stare at Indigo in amazement.

She shakes her head and chuckles. "No, my ancestors were like doctors, advisors, for the supernatural, they called us Druids."

"Druids," I repeat.

"Have you spoke to your dad," She brushes a strand of hair away from my face. I can feel my cheeks burning red.

"About being adopted?" I cross my arms over my chest. "No, Iv been avoiding my whole family like a bad smell, I haven't even spoke to Scott about.. Allison."

The Bell rings.

"I need to get to class." I go to walk away but suddenly she's pulled me back and I'm pressed against her chest, our faces inches apart.

"You're struggling to control it." I can feel her breath on my cheeks. "Your eyes are glowing." She whispers.

I close my eyes, rubbing them, trying to get myself to calm down. "I know how to hide my scent, so nobody knows what I am but the claws and eyes.. can't seem to get the hang of it."

"I can help you." She finally takes a step back and I didn't realise I was holding my breath. "But you have to trust me."

"Scott! I need to borrow some tooth-" I walk into Scott room, not seeing Scott but some boy and some blonde women. "-paste."

"Uhhh" I stare at them. "Are you guys friends of Scott's cuz I have never met yous before?"

The blonde women's eyes start to how blue. "Definitely not friends on Scott's!"

Next thing I know I'm getting thrown into the wall and they are jumping out Scott's window. Stiles walks into the room just catching her eyes.

"What the fuck" I'm holding the back of my head where the wall hit.

"Parker!" Stiles runs to me, helping me to my feet.

"Who the hell was that." I ask as he's checking me for wounds.

"I'll explain in the car."

Stiles explained how the blonde women is Allison's aunt who was meant to be dead but is now a weird werecheeta and the boy is Derek Hale how she turned him back into a young Derek hale.

By the end of the car ride by head my pounding.

We picked up Lydia on the way to the school where Scott, some girl called Malia and Peter who is the one who turned Kate is.

So many names.

"What are you gonna do with a bat?" I practically laughed at Stiles.

"You never know!" He whaled his arms in the air.

We ran into this basement under the school, stiles said it was some sort of vault for The Hale's

Peter was there, staring at an empty safe. "They took it while I was blind." He mumbled to himself.

"Took what?" Lydia asks.

"Bons," He stands to his feet. "Bareerbons. They took them all."

"Are you saying you got robbed?" Stiles has a smart smirk on his face.

"This was a heist, somebody planned this." Peter says with a face of panic. If I didn't know the stories about this guys I might feel sorry for him.

"How much did they take?" Says Lydia.


"Thousand?" Stiles says in amazement.


It's been a couple weeks and Scott and his friends have been involving me in all their supernatural stuff. But I feel like their still hiding something from me, especially Scott.

But it's been helping me, I need an alpha. I'm an Omega without a pack. Weak. I'll never learn how to control myself without one.

Indigo has been helping, although our sessions have been... distracting.

"I have to get to school," I laugh between her lips, her hand slides across my waist as she shut me up by kissing me.

Yeah. A lot can happen in a few weeks.

I finally told Scott that I'm adopted. He took it well, he was shocked but if anything it made us closer.

"Family murdering axe murder?" I repeat what stiles said as I walk up to him, Scott and Kira. I finally made it to school after indigos theatrics.

"Some guy with an axe killed a family," Kira informs with me with an awkward smile, I nod like this should be a normal conversation.

"Are we not going to do anything about it?" Stiles looks between us.

"I thought we handled supernatural mysteries, this sounds like something the police should handle." I shake my head not wanting to deal with an axe murderer. Not on my bucket list this year.

Stiles makes a weird face. Weirder than his normal face.

"So the three of you just wanna stay here, go to class?" He looks at us like we are crazy, "never heard anything so irresponsible in my life."

He walks away, throwing his hands in the air like a child.

I'm texting indigo on my phone while Scott and Kira talk, when suddenly Scott just pecks Kira on the lips.

"Holy shit." I lift my head from my phone.

"Holy shit." She repeats.

"Have you guys kissed before?" We are sitting next to each other on the lacross benches.

"No." She's biting her nails.

"Are you guys like? Dating" We are watching the boys play lacross, mainly stiles failing and everything.

"No?" She doesn't sound too sure.

"Are they actually playing... good?" Malia finally lifts her from her text books that's she's been colouring in with red highlighter.

I notice the boys taking down every guy on the field. "For once" I chuckle

One of the new boys, Liam, absolutely sorrs past them, throwing the ball in the net. "That was luck!" Malia jumps out her seat,

"What are you doing," I pull at her cardigan, noticing everyone staring at us.


"There's no do-overs!" Coach brushes her off, "this is practice!"

I notice stiles's absolute defeated look. "10 bucks on Scott and stiles!" I shout.

Why did I say that?

"I'll get in on that action!" Coach shouts. "Back in there liam!"

I'm watching closely, liams runs at them, he dodged stiles leaving him to face plant on the floor. Scott scoops liam under his feet, flipping him over and suddenly,


𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 [𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now