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"So the warlcocks were the first." Stiles says, placing red tape onto his glass board.

"The first that we know about," I correct, sitting cross legged on his bed.

"Right," He nods his pen at me, "four murders, Sean, his brother, and their parents." He tapes pictures of the dead bodies to the board "they were killed by a professional assassin called the mute."

"Weapon of choice, a military tomohoc, but then the mute was killed by Peter hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a claymore mine."

"Next is domarco," He placed a picture of demarcos dead body of the board and taped it in red tape. "He delivered the keg to the party and Lydia's lake house, and then decapatated  outside his car."

"And then last night," He taped a picture of a bloody hand on the school sign. "23 year old carries hudson."

"It's a dead pool." Scott says, we are now at the sheriffs office "a hit list of supernatural creatures, this is only part of it. The rest still had to be decoded."

"Who found this list?" Sheriff asks.

"Lydia," Stiled answers.


"She wrote it" he crossed his arms realising how dumb it sounds. "Well, she transcribed it. Without realising it."


"Banshe." Stiles nodes.

"Alright what are these numbers next to the names?" He asks, tracing his finger down the paper.

"Well get to that," Stiles stoops him, "first you need to know that the code was broken with a sipher key."

"Like a key word?"

"A name." I say.

"Allison.." Scott's voice sounds raspy.

"Her name broke a third of the list," Stiles clears his throat.

"And we think there's two other sypher keys." Scott says, leaning his hands on the desk.

"Which will give us the rest of the name." Sherrif nods, "okay, so how do we get the sypher keys?"

Stiless jaw hangs open "same way we got the code." He shruggs

"Lydia, She's been at the lake house all weekend trying to find the other two key words." My heart sinks thinking about how crazy she's been driving herself. Listening to that record player over and over again.

"You didn't know about demarco or Carrie?" Sherrif is looking threw the photos of their dead bodies. "What about these other two names on the list, Kathleen bettercher and Elias Town? They werewolf's too?"

"I don't know," Scott shruggs. "But deaton said that the nemonton would draw supernatural creatures here."

Draw them here

I repeat the words in my head. When I looked at the photo of my family before we moved, a felt a need to come here.. was I drawn here?

"Here bring beacon hills? Or beacon county?" Sheriff asks. "Population of breacon hills is just under 30,000."

"And dropping," Stiles says.

"But if we're talking beacon country, you're talking closer to 500,000." Sheriff sighs. "Look, how many werewolves, banshee's, Kitsunes, whatever is out there are we talking about?" He sits down in his chair "and what happens if the next sypher key uncovers not 12 names but 100."

"We don't think they'll be that many," Stiles shakes his head, "there's a limit."

"Because of the numbers." Scott points to the numbers on the pool. "We think that once we decode the names, the number will add up to 117."

"117 what?"

"Million." Scott presses his lips together in a frown.

Stiles draws the letters K and M next to the number, meaning thousands and millions. "117 million dollars, Dad, stollen right from The Hale vault and is being used by someone to finance all these murders."

"Someone who wants every supernatural in beacon hills dead." Scott says.

"So, coded list goes out and suddenly all these professional assassins get that list." Sheriff is trying to follow along.

"And decifer key." I snap my fingers. 

"And then they go after the names on the list, they being.. killers with no mouths" he draws on "tomohocs, thermal cut wires that can take your head off."

"Carrie was also stabbed. What's this mark?" Stiles point to the dimond shaped mark on her neck in the photos.

"We're not sure yet." Sheriff shakes his head. "Still waiting on the M.E's report. There's one other thing I don't get, how did the new assassins know that demarco was gonna be at the lake house?"

"Everyone knows he delivers kegs to teenagers for a living for extra cash" Scott shrugs like it's generally knowledge.

"Uhu," Sheriff nods "so, whoever ordered that Keg, killed demarco."

"Someone at the party."

"A student." I say.

Just before we leave sherif asks to talk to me. "Where did you go last night?" He asks "me and Derek turned around and you were gone?"

I lost control and ran into the woods where I killed a innocent fluffy bunny.

"Ran," I shrugged, "Duh, big scary Peter Hale storming my way? Like I'd wait around? Anywyas, gotta go"

I hurry off before he can ask anymore questions, but he didn't seem convinced.

Scott and Stiles are going threw all the Lacrosse batts as stiles figured out the killer is someone on the team.

The dimond shaped mark on the victims neck was the same shape as the bottom of the Lacrosse bats.

"This is pointless," Scott throws the stick down. "Most of the team plays with their own gear."

"Maybe instead of trying to a Lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger in it we should be trying to get the game cancelled." Kira says.

"The game is the best way to catch him red handed," Scott shakes his head.

"But what if he's red handed from blood of the person he just murdered!" I protest "we need to think logically here Scott. You and Kira's names are on that list and you are both playing, you are putting you both at risk by playing."

"Or Liam," Scott sighs. "We don't have the full list and he could be on it."

And me

"We don't know anything about that list," Stiles scoffs, "How it's made, how it's updated, I mean who's been out taking supernatural sences anyways?"

"How do they even know about me?" Kira says.

"They know about everyone." Scott looks down to his feet.

I don't know what I'll do if my names on that list.

"Kira and Parker are right, we should stop the game." Stiles agrees.

"I'm not afraid," Scott shakes his head.

"Neither am i." Kira agrees.

"Well I'm terrified! And I'm not even on the list." Stiles shouts

"I'm with Stiles with this one." I raise my hand. "These are professional killers, it's their profession! One of them has a thermal cut wire that cuts heads off! It's like something out a Stephen King Novel!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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