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Sorry got disappearing, Iv been going threw some personal things but I'm back now <3


"Samurais?" Monet chokes out a laugh, quieting herself down after she releases how late it is. "Samurais.. we're hunting you..."

"I know it sounds crazy," I roll my eyes, swinging back in my chair with my feet planted up on the desk. "You should have seen the look Scott gave me when I told him, he looked.. shocked.. I think? I don't know."

"What did you tell them about your disappearing wounds?" Monet pulls a packet of Doritos out of nowhere and starts, loudly, chewing.

"I told them I knocked over a trolley full of blood tests, which I actually did, and got covered in the blood." I respond, the only light in my room coming from my desk lamp and the computer screen which displays Monet's face.

Monet goes silent for a moment, I'm picking at the paint chips on my nails. "My dad got attacked by the same thing I saw," I speak up.

Monet chokes on her Dorito. "I thought he said it was an intruder?"

"It was, but he showed me the drawing he made of it and it looked exactly like the people I saw," I take a deep breath, yawning it back out.

"Do you think they could be someone your dad arrested a while ago?" Monet asks, taking a sip of her coke.

I shrug.

"How is your dad doing by the way?"

"Alive," I sigh, "He got a blood transfusion after getting stabbed in the lung but he's back on his feet and still barking around orders."

She nods and humms, "what about that alpha?"

"No luck," I place my hands behind my head and rest back on them. "I just don't wanna be caught by Ducalian or something while I'm an Omega."

"Well you've done pretty well so far."

"Oh yeah, you having me chained up and pointing a loaded weapon at me every full moon has gone pretty well so far," I say sarcastically. We both burst into laughter.


Issac bursts into my room, with shock I fall back on my chair, banging against the ground. "Issac! What the hell!! It's like 2 Am!!" I yell.

"Stiles is missing."


"Why aren't we calling his dad!" I'm chasing Scott and Issac down the stairs. "He's literally the sherif."

"He told me on the phone he doesn't want his dad to know," Scott tells me quickly.

"Call him again!" Suddenly Scott's phone began to ring, he drops his motorbike helmet and quickly answers it.

"Hey, stiles," Scot's voice shakes with panic.

"Did you call him?" I use my hearing to listen to the call, stiles is whispering and he sounds like he's holding back tears. "Did you call my dad?"

"No. Just Isaac and Parker. We're coming to find you," Scott assured him, "can you figure out where you are?"

"Look around, stiles." I shout into the phone, Scott winces slightly from how loud I yelled. "What do you see."

"It's a basement," Stiles replies. "I don't know, some kind of basement."

"In a house?" Scott asks.

"No, it looks bigger, like industrial?" He sounds so scared, I can hear the shiver in his voice and the Occasional sniffle. "I think there's a furnace. But it's cold, it's freezing down here. I gotta turn the.. I gotta turn the phone off. It's gonna die."

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 [𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now