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"One of the stiles kidnapped Lydia?" I'm changing my bloody shirt in the girls locker room. I can see Allison studying my arm, the blood is dried like it should have came from a wound. I quickly put my spare sport shirt on that i use for PE.

"Me and Isaac are going to look for her"

"Good idea" i check my phone seeing a missed call from Indigo. She's probably wondering if I'm okay after i ran away earlier. I let out a long breath, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Boy problems?" Alisson asks, "I know that look... Scott had me making that exact same face."

"Girl problems," I cringe.


"I sorta like her, but like she's a bit weird and she says things that don't make sense, maybe I'm thinking too much into it or maybe i'm just scared of commitment but i have this feeling like she knows more about me than i know about myself, Know what i mean?"

Allison stares at me for a moment, mouth agape. "Sorta?" She laughs me off. "I felt like same way with scott, and i don't regret any of it. You should take chances more parker."

She's about to walk away. "Scott told me about you."

She freeze and turns to me.

"When I moved with my dad, we never really spoke, a phone call on a birthday or Skype at Christmas," I feel embarrassed at the fact we never even came home for Christmas, dad was always working, mum said she would fly me over but I knew she couldn't afford it so I always declined.

"But then one night out of the blue, Scott calls me to 'catch up', but in reality he just wanted to tell me about a girl who showed up to his work crying after running over a dog." She laughs and her cheeks flush with blush.

"You still love him?" I ask, tilting my head.

"I'll always love him," She pushes her lips into a smile.


knock knock

My dad walked into my room. "Can i help you?" I spun around on my chair, when i looked up my face dropped, tears were in my fathers eyes as he sat on the edge of my bed. "What's wrong."

"I have to tell you something."

I push my chair more towards him.

"When your mom gave birth i was... overjoyed. we were leaving the hospital, i was pushing your mom in the wheelchair, she was holding onto Scott."

"And Me?" i notice he only mentions scotts name. He just looks up at me then looks back down.

"On the way to the car i heard crying coming from a bush. There was a baby girl, abandoded, She was hours old. The doctors assumed her mother was a teenager, abaonded her at the hospital."

"What are you saying dad?"

"We took her in, we wanted to give her a good life, we thought it would be better to hide it from her, make her feel like she was ours.

We named her, Parker."

I stand up from my seat. "What." I shake my head, tears are rolling down my cheeks.

"I thought it was time you found out."

I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, Mom appears at the door. I look up at her with tear filled eyes, Iv never felt so betrayed and alone in my life.

"What's going on?" She looks between me and dad.

"I told her." Dad says. Mom takes a deep breath.

She looks up at me, panic painting her face. "Parker..."

"How could you ..." I look between them. "All my life, you hid this from me."

"I'm sorry," She tries to plead but I'm already pushing her out the way.

Tears were rolling down my face, I pass Scott in the hallway who's too busy texting on his phone to notice me.

I can hear my parents arguing from upstairs, when I turn the corner into the living room stiles is there.

"Are you okay?" He notices my distress straight away.

"Don't pretend like you care," I sniff, trying to walk straight past him but he grabs my arm.

"Hey," his eyes warm, his skin is pale and he looks ill. "I know Iv been a prick to you, but if somethings wrong you can talk to me."

I look into his eyes. They're different, he doesn't seem like the same guy that night at the hospital, when he went missing for a couple days.

"How did you know?" I ask him.

"Know, what?"

"That I could hear you, that night at the hospital." His face turns to confusion, his eyebrows scrunching together. And I remember what Allison told me about stiles being possessed by some demon or something.

"Forget it," I pull my arm away from his. I feel so dumb, thinking maybe I could confide in him.

I run out the door as stiles is calling my name to come back. I felt so heartbroken, my whole life has been a lie.

I find myself in the woods, the sun is setting. The wind is hitting off the branches, I can hear coyotes wailing in the far distance.

I fall to my knees, letting my animal side take over. I feel the rage running threw my veins, teeth growing.

I feel alive.

Until I feel burning shooting into my side.

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 [𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now