Chapter 17

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'Meoooow meoooow meoooow'

Levi wakes up to meows coming from the living room.

What time is it? Levi looks around for his phone and finds it on the floor. Then realizing he slept in Y/n's room.


It's 8 in the morning. Levi sits himself up on the bed, holding his head up with his hand. He doesn't have a headache this time. He still feels tired though.


"Okay okay. I hear you. I'll be there." Levi says. It's the cats yelling to be fed

He gets up and starts picking up his stuff. Fixing the bed and then he sees the paper from last night. What is it?

Levi grabs the paper and although he doesn't want to be nosey, he takes a little peak at it. But then notices that it's for him? So he continues reading.

Dear Levi,

I know that by the time you see this, I'll be gone. Either at the hospital or gone from life. It doesn't matter. The point of this letter was to thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you for giving me another chance to a better life. For everything I am thankful for, I cannot thank you enough. I'm sorry that this is the way I'm repaying you. I know what you'll see and I'm sorry for it. I figure after everything, I don't deserve to be happy, and you don't deserve to have to deal with me. If I pass, I just want you to know I'm extremely thankful and with every day that passes, I find myself falling for you more and more. As much as I just want to be able to heal from my past relationship, I can't help but want you. Even if you don't feel the same, I just needed to get it off my chest and tell someone how I actually feel. Thank you for trying to be a help in my life. Thank you for being a supporter at changing my life. Thank you for everything.

With Love, Y/n

"What the fuck?..." Levi is able to make out. Sitting back down on the bed, he's in complete shock. In disbelief. How after all these years, someone like Y/n, felt the same way Levi does towards them. Towards Y/n...

He sits on her bed with thoughts swirling his head. If she was in love with him, why would she do all of this? Why wouldn't she just talk to him? Why would she risk her life just to be able to tell him this? Was it because of what he said that morning? Was it... his fault?

It was.

It is.

When is it not?

It's his fault Y/n wasn't able to tell him about her feelings.

It's his fault Y/n only had the courage to say so when she was almost dead.

If he had just been honest or not have said anything, none of this would've happened.

Y/n would've been able to talk to him. Y/n would've still been here, awake and with him.

It was also his fault when Petra died

It was his fault for taking too long with the ambulance.

It was his fault for taking Petra out in the first place.

It was his fault for falling in love altogether.

It's all his fault

Everything is!!

Everything is his fault!!

"AUGHH FUCKKKK!!!" He yells in stress. How could he let all of this happen. He's so mad with himself right now.

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