Eighteen: Hi darling

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Six months had passed and Leni's due date is almost there. They had fixed everything including the baby's room, and had packed their essentials to bring in the hospital. Bongbong couldn't wait for his second baby to be born, he was excited but at the same time he was frightened because all he can think of now is if he fails to do his task as a first time newborn care taker since he wants Leni to rest after she gives birth. After all she carried their baby for 9 months.

"Hi Mahal!! I missed you!!" Leni beamed with joy as she greeted her husband who was sitting on his office chair. "Hi Mahal! Buti you're here? Buti nakatakas ka kay Mommy eh halos ayaw ka niya palabasin sa bahay" He asked kissing her forehead. "nainip ako sa bahay eh at miss kita." She baby talked as she sat on his lap. she started kissing his neck lightly showing her sweet side.

"Ihh, Mahal, Busy ka ba?" She wondered, head now rested on his chest. "For you I'm not. Lunch na oh pumunta ka pa dito, I'm about to go home na din naman na eh" he replied stroking her hair. "Eh! Gusto nga kita puntahan!" She responded, slightly raising her voice at him. "Let's go na nga Mahal, so you and baby can eat" he said now gently standing up as he supported her. "Here, Let me carry your bag Mahal" he jested giving her another kiss on her lips.

As they were walking out of his office, Leni couldn't help but stare outside the window as she's looking at the bright sun. They were about to enter the elevator when Leni felt water dripping on her legs. She looked down and came to realized she was about to give birth. And thats how she remembered maybe thats the reason of her contractions last night because she thought it was just cramping.

Bongbong stopped at his track and his mouth turned into an "o" shape when he saw that Leni tapped him while water is dripping down her legs. "Mahal!" He shouted not knowing what to do as it was his first time to experience this kind of situation.

He carried her bridal style and hurriedly ride the elevator. As the doors of the elevator opened the guards and staffs, including some workers got shocked when they saw what was happening. The guards helped Bongbong accompany Leni to his car because they didn't have time calling an ambulance since the situation happened so suddenly.

They drove for about 15 mintues till they reached the nearest hospital they could get to. He hurriedly stepped out of his car and asked assistance to the nurses. He was really panicking as it is his first time seeing Leni like that.

As soon as the news got spread out in the family that Leni had already given birth, they were all rushing to the hospital to visit and see the new baby.

Bongbong and Leni's friends and family had arrived at the hospital and they couldn't wait to see the new baby. Irene was the last one to come alongside Natalia who was excited. Irene entered inside the room and they exchanged pleasantries with the others as she put down Natalia.

"Sorry We're late ha, si Natalia kasi natatakot" she explained patting Natalia's back who was just standing beside her, not making a single movement.

"Why are you scared darling?" Bongbong asked, standing up from his seat and carried Natalia. "I mean excited na po ako maging ate pero what if you lose time for me?" She frowned, thinking they'll lose their bonding time with her. "Never anak, hindi po mangy-yari yun ha?" Leni replied assuring her daughter who had the face of a little girl that's pet cat just died.

"I'll help nalang po Mama! I understand naman po eh because baby sister needs more time than me since she's just a little baby" Natalia responded at her parents, now beaming with excitement as the nurse entered the room with the baby.

"Bong, she's here" Leni softly said while smiling at her husband. Bong placed Natalia beside Leni's bed and carefully held the little baby on his arms.

"Hi, darling." He greeted the baby while holding her hands which was covered with mittens. "She's so adorable, she looks like you Mahal" He said looking at his wife. All the people laughed in the room as Leni explained that it's okay since their first born already looks like him. He kissed the baby's temple and gently gave her to Leni for her to hold.

"Grabe, nung hinawakan ko si Natalia nun kinabahan ako. Sobrang liit niya nun." She chuckled as she let Natalia caress the baby's hair. "My hands are shaking na nga eh. Siguro kung naabutan ko pa si Natalia okay eh, kaso hindi" he laughed at his own response.

"Good Morning my gorgeous darlings!" Bongbong greeted Leni who was breastfeeding a hungry baby whilst beside a sleeping Natalia. "Is Leonora Soleil awake, Mahal?" He asked joining her in the bed. "Naku Mahal, five months na tayong nagaaway diyan. Ang kulit mo po, Sola nga, pinapahaba mo pa eh" she chuckled slightly slapping his cheek. "Eh bakit si Natalia, Natalia Serene? That's long too" he scratched his head. "Nat tawag ko sakanya diba? Ewan ko sayo pinapabaha mo mga pangalan ng anak mo, sila maguguluhan niyan" she now slapped him at his shoulder.

Its been five months since Leni got released from the hospital. They named the baby Leonora Soleil so she's named after her mother whilst Natalia's name was based of a book they first read when they had camping a few years ago.

"Mahal, mag 6 na po, we're going na niyan so let's get ready na" he said as he prepared Leni's clothes in the bathroom. They're having a vacation in Baguio so that Leni could get her early morning walks with the new baby and they can breath fresh air.

"Sige lang Mahal, susunod din ako. Tapos nadin naman na dumede si Sola eh" she replied, gently laying Soleil down the bed. She carefully stood up from the bed avoiding on waking the two up. "Sabay na tayo mahal" she said making him smirk. "Lead the way, Mahal" he said as he laid his hand on her waist. "Naka pack na ba mga Luggage, Mahal?" She asked making sure if everything has been packed. She knows that he's forgetful sometimes thats why she makes sure she asks him first about some stuff he'll probably end up forgetting.

After they took a bath and changed clothes, Leni woke up Natalia to dress her up while Bongbong held Soleil since she started crying the moment they were changing clothes. "Mahal... what if hindi mo pala anak si Sola?" Leni brought up making bongbong look at her so sudden.

 what if hindi mo pala anak si Sola?" Leni brought up making bongbong look at her so sudden

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"So... is there a chance she isn't mine?" He asked so confused. "So you believe me? That she isn't yours Mr. Marcos with the huge tiger?" She replied raising her eyebrows. "Maniwala naman ako sayo Mahal eh junior ko lang gusto mong anuhin eh" he replied which thank god Natalia didn't hear since she was watching the tv while dressing up."ewan ko sayo mahal!" She laughed at his response.

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