THREE: Seeing him

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"Good Morning, Mama!!!" Natalia greeted her Mom who is walking towards her. "Stop kana mag watch ng TV anak? Eat na tayo then punta tayo sa Mall" Leni blurted giving her a hint that they need to leave for the mall "Do you want Ice Cream later anak?" Leni asked her daughter who's now running up the stairs "yes po mama!" Natalia squealed as she is going up in her room.

"Mama, can we get Chocolate chip mint flavored Ice cream po later?" Natalia squealed blinking slowly in front of her mom who's driving giving her an adorable look. "Mama look po oh! a BWM car! Super ganda po!" She exclaimed pointing out a car brand in the window driving beside them "Oo nga no, anak? So pretty, ganda ng design in black" she responded to her daughter as she took a curve down to the mall.

Once they were parked and ready, they stepped out of the car and Leni insisted that Natalia is held by her hand and to never let go. "Anak, what will you do if we somehow get separated from each other?" Leni asked her daughter who's now looking at the mall amazed how big it is. "Find a bodyguard and ask if he can call you..." she responded giving her mom a wide smile indicating she wants to go explore the store now.

"Mama... Can we go to the toy store po?" Natalia pleaded while holding her mom's hand. "Sige anak" she replied while looking at a Jewelry store. "Anak, I'm sorry but can you go by yourself? May titignan lang si Mama sa Jewelry store dun oh" she pointed out as she escorted her daughter inside the Toy store.

Natalia then ran to the doll isle and was estatic to see a particular doll she likes "Wow!" She squealed "You're so pretty!" Complimenting the doll as she checked the price looking back and forth if her mom's almost near her, making her bump into someone. She turned her back and apologized putting her in shock when she saw the Man from the party. "Diba po kayo yung si Mr-" Natalia almost said a word when the man cut her off. "Mr?" He asked "Ferdinand Marcos Jr. po! The man from my Mama's party?" She asked the man "Yes, just call me Tito BongBong..." he introduced making the little girl smile "you look so much like your Mama" he complimented her as he felt something different "you know my mama po?!" The little girl asked

"Yes, your mama is Leni right? She's a very close friend of mine" he blurted and look at the doll she was holding "By the way... why are you alone here? Where's your Mom?" He asked insisting if he can carry her "well tito... asa Jewelry store po siya dun sa labas eh... I'm alone because she's teaching me to be independent, plus di naman po ako sumasama sa kung kani-kanino... and alam ko naman po what to do if i get lost in the Mall eh..." she responded smiling at him "do you like that doll?" He asked her gleefully

"Ma'am that would be ₱17,249" The Jeweler said "ang mahal naman nito..." she said to herself making the conversation awkward. "Kunin niyo po Ma'am?" The Jeweler asked while almost opening the case "Ah, this one nalang yung ₱6,589, for kids naman 'to diba?" She asked and continue to pay for her jewelry that she's going to give to Natalia

"Yes po!" a cheerful natalia replied giving him the cutest look "I'll buy that for you... Gift ko nalang sayo, consider it as an early Birthday gift" he said smiling at the girl while he was carrying her. "Ay, two days ago na po yung birthday ko eh..." she responded making him know her birthday was done. "Oh! Is that so? Then a belated birthday gift!" He answered as he made his way to the nearest counter paying for the doll she likes. "Total po, ₱3,957 po, sir." The cashier blurted out as Natalia then came to realize the doll was too expensive for her to have "Tito, are you sure po you can buy that for me?" She asked wondering if he can still pay the item "Yes naman ha, I can buy you fifty of these" he replied putting the girl in a shock. After paying, he brought Natalia down from his arms as he spotted Leni leaving the nearest jewelry store. "I wish i can spend more time with you, Natalia... You're so cute eh... If your mom asks how'd you got that doll, tell her Mr. Ford gave you that, okay?" He said as she thanked him and they hugged. A hug that Natalia felt different and felt as if she's complete.

"Mama!!!" Natalia squealed in joy as she saw her mom near her. She ran towards her mom and hugged her. "Oh anak, where'd you got that doll? So nice naman..." Leni exclaimed as she was wondering where it came from "Mr. Ford gave it to me!" She joyfully announced. "Mr. Ford?" She asked "yes po! The Mr. from the party? Ay... sabagay you were in the comfort room po nung nag introduce siya..." Natalia said as they left the Toy store.

"Mama, noon po... what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" Natalia guessed as she took s bite of her dessert while looking around every corners of the Ice cream shop. "My favorite? Umh, ano nak, uh Caramel!" She responded and smiled at her. "I'll just get extra tissue napkins ha, anak? Stay here po, okay?" She said to Natalia who appears to be happily eating her food. After getting some tissue, she walked back on their table only to see Natalia looking at the Dad and daughter outside of the ice cream shop walking together. She then thought to herself if maybe she could tell her stories about her real father.

"Anak?" - "Are you okay?" Leni asked smiling at her assuring her that she is not alone "Yes po mama..." Natalia replied. "Ubusin mo na yang Ice Cream mo nak, so we can go home na po..." Leni told her.

On the drive home, Natalia appeared to have seen the same BMW car that she saw earlier. "Mama! Look oh! The same car that I saw po kanina!" She pointef out looking at the direction of the car. "Oo nga no... They must be filthy rich" she remarked as she hit the turn signal on the car indicating on the right so she can park. "Anak, may kukunin lang po si mama sa store na yun ha? Don't go out po, and you know naman how to lock doors... I'll be really quick, I love you" she said as pressed the hazard lighs and stepped out of the car.

Natalia kept looking at her doll nonstop, looking side to side and from her front to her back making sure there's no one. While opening the car window to get some fresh air, she managed to see the BMW car stop beside their car due to traffic. "Tito BongBong!" Natalia called out as she saw the man roll out his window. "Natalia? Oh hello baby! Traffic huh?" He asked from the other side "Yes po, my mama's just getting something... Ingat po kayo!" She shouted waving at him.

"Good night anak, sleep well po..." Leni kissed her daughter as she made her way out of her room and closed her door. She came back to her room and sat on her bed opening the tv to watch the news. A then ringing phone startled her putting her in a panicked position since the phone call was coming from downstairs. She then hurriedly stood up from her bed and ran down the stairs.

"Hello?" Leni asked. "Babes! Balik work na tayo tomorrow!" Risa exclaimed "Sorry pala, this is my new phone number kaya unknown..." Risa apologized laughing at the other end of the line "Ay sige! Hehe... Dalhan mo 'ko ng empanada galing Ilocos bukas ha?" Leni pleaded making Risa laugh "Ha? Ang rare mo lang kainin yun ha! Buntis ka ba?!" She said as she kept laughing hysterically. "Huy! Hindi no! Wala nga akong partner eh" she remarked while looking at the window "Jusko! Ikaw pa! Balikan mo nalang kasi si bongets!" She suggested making Leni quiet

"Ayoko nga! Bahala siya! Baka pagbintangan akong prostitue after namin maghiwalay nun, kase imagine after so many years if ever nagka-balikan kami ganun lang isusumbat niya! Plus, may anak na siya diba?" She muttered responding in a low tone "ay oo nga pala no... sorry Lens... see you nalang tomorrow! Promise bawi ako! Bi-bili kita ng Empanada galing dito! Hehehe" - "Mwa-Mwa, Goodnight!" Risa replied bidding her goodbye.

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