👑You got me...down on my knees...👑

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___________👑 Auradon 👑____________

One week later, Evie and Mal had started to plan out Y/n's wedding with the help of Ben and his parents and of course Auradon.

And also, today was the day where the V.K.'s are going to be heading to the Isle of the Lost to finally bring in the new villain kids. Everyone was ready to welcome the new students to the school and welcome them to Auradon and their new home.


Mal was outside of Ben's castle, looking out into the ocean for the under water queen. Uma. She has been watching out into the water in hopes to see a tentacle or something of Uma somewhere. Mal couldn't also forget the day when her sister was dragged in the water by Uma's tentacle but she was happy that Y/n survived it.

Then Mal found out about Y/n's problem for Evie, she had told Mal that Y/n has been having chest pain and it would glow blue every time she would be stressed or angry. Mal was glad that her sister was fine a few months later, but when Y/n is having that pain and Jay is not there to help her, then Mal would come in and help her, too.

But she was just glad that she's feeling better. And happy that Y/n was married to someone she truly loves in the world. Mal was very excited to see what her little sister would look like in her wedding dress...but right now she was focused on something else.

As Mal was looking around with her binoculars, not noticing that someone was coming up behind her and wrapping his hands around her waist, making Mal gasp and get slightly scared by the sudden hug. Mal knew who was hugging her and started chuckling. She turns around and sees Ben right there with her.

She smiled up at him and placed her hand on his chest and looked back into the ocean.

"Not a tentacle in sight." Mal muttered.

Ben looked at the water as well and spoke. "I think if Uma was up to something, we'd know by now."

Mal looks at him. "No, Ben, I know how villains think. And I don't trust Uma, as far as I can throw her. She's gonna wait until our defenses are down then, that's when she's gonna strike." She explained.

"Besides you know what she did to my sister, she could've been killed. And we have too much to plan for Y/n and I don't want Uma ruining it for her." Mal said with a serious tone.

"I know, I know. It's gonna be alright. Things will plan out perfectly." Ben reassured her about her sister.

Mal sighs lightly and grabs her binoculars and turns to the ocean. "Yeah... I really wish I had time to go do the dragon flyover because I can go so much higher." She added, placing the binoculars towards her eyes.

Ben moves them down from her eyes. "Well, you can't be everywhere at once." He stares at her. "Besides, I've got your back."

Ben looks up at the castle, including Mal and they both saw guarda looking out into the ocean as well with one binocular with one eyes. Ben looks back at Mal and she did the same.

"And also, I'll have some guards for Y/n as well so she won't get hurt again." Ben reassured her, making Mal relax just a bit. "Now, come on, everyone's waiting for us."

Before Ben could pull Mal away, she stops him.

"Wait. But you're getting more guards?" Mal asked in a concern tone.

"I'm getting more guards." Ben replied.

"And for my sister?" Mal asked once again.

"And for you're sister, now breath." Both of them took a deep breath and breath out, mainly for Mal. She was getting stressed a little but Ben telling her that's everyone's gonna alright, made her feel better.

👑My Cobra👑 [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now