•Friendship building up•

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Meanwhile with the boys. They were still looking for Ben, but thanks to Dude, leading them to the right track on finding the King.

"Ben!" Carlos shouted, still yelling out his name to see if Ben could hear them.

Dude sniffed around and smelled something weird. "Boy, something stinks. And it wasn't me this time."

Suddenly, a beast came out of nowhere, making Dude scream and run away. It was wearing a gold and blue outfit, brown hair covering his whole head but some space for his mouth and eyes. The beast charged at Gil which Carlos ended up pushing him away.


"Watch out!"

The beast roars again, and attacks Harry, to his surprise Jay ended up pulling him away from the hairy beast that roars through the air.

The beast started backing up, eyeing his target on the men in front of him. The group has their guard up, trying to figure out what the monster would do next.

"You need some serious nose adjustments." Harry muttered, staring back at the beast.

"I'm not so sure." Carlos said, looking over at the beast. "Ben? Did Audrey do that?" He asked.

"Huh! I thought I recognized those pants." Jay huffed.

The beast, was King Ben. They found him...but something was wrong with him. He had his paw close to his chest, as if he had hurt is hand. Which Gil noticed.

"Oh, he's got a boo-boo. That's why he's so cranky." Gil told them. "You know, my dad said that's his dad did not handle pain well at all."

After saying that, Ben roared again, wanting to charge forward at Gil but was weak from his paw. The boys still stare at him, wondering what they could do to help Ben without him attacking them.

"You're good with animals. Do something." Jay glanced over at Carlos, before looking back at Ben.

"But...okay. All right." Carlos slowly walking over to Ben, making sure he doesn't hurt him. "Hey, Ben. It's me, Carlos, all right?" Ben suddenly, tried to attack him with his paw but Carlos quickly jerked back. "Ben! Ben! It's Carlos, all right? You know me. You helped me once. Remember, with Dude? Right? Let me help you. Come."

Ben continues to look at Carlos, hesitant to trust him but he felt like he could trust Carlos. So, Ben gave in. "Let me see your hand." Carlos steps forward, as Ben holds out his paw. "All right. Attaboy. Uh...Beast...King...so... Whatever."

His paw had a big splinter in his palm, it was dug deep into it. "Oh, yeah. That's a big one. Uh... I'm gonna count, all right? One...Two..." Ben was waiting for three but Carlos had pulled the wooden splinter out, making Ben roar of pain. "There it is. You did it."

Out of nowhere, water was sprayed against Ben's beast face. Which made all the boys look over at who was spraying Ben with water. It was Jane.

Carlos turned and smiled at Jane. "Hey."

Carlos and Jane immediately held each other, looking into each other's eyes. Looking to see if they both were alright.

"Oh, my gosh, I was so worried."

"You didn't show up."

"I didn't forget your party.'

"I got scared she got you too."

They both took a deep breath, than spoke. "I'm so glad you're all right!" They both said at the same time, smiling at each other. Jane hugged Carlos immediately, as he hugged her back, relief that she was fine.

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