•Sleeping beauty•

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________👑Back at Evie's castle👑________

Dizzy and the two boys twins were still sleeping on the couch until suddenly, Dizzy and the twins started moving around. Eventually they all woke up and stretched their arms and yawned. They all looked around.

"I'm hungry." The twins said at the same time, looking at Dizzy.

Dizzy nods in agreement. "Same."


Eventually, Dizzy and the twins had gotten up, sitting on a table, and having a slice of cake that made for Jane, and also with a big glass of milk on the side as they enjoyed every single bite of the delicious cake that was almost gone.

______👑 With Jane 👑______

Jane, Doug, and Gil were sitting on the side, resting on the stairs, hoping the spell was gone. When, suddenly, the thunder fixer strucked around them and pink smoke. They all looked up and saw Fairy Godmother has turned back to normal.

"Oh!" Fairy Godmother gasped.

Jane rushed up to her. "Mom. Mom!"

"Bibbidi-bobbidi, what happened?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"The spell has been broken. It's okay." Jane answered, smiling at her mother.

______👑With the V.K.'s👑_______

Meanwhile, the same happened with the V.K.'s. Ben, Evie, Jay, and Carlos, including Dude, turned back into humans and Dude into a dog, not knowing what had happened. Everyone looked at each other, feeling their selves again.

They all were silent for a moment until Ben spoke up. "Come on. Let's go." He muttered, walking off and the V.K.'s following him.

"You good?"


_______👑Back at the castle👑________

Later that night, the V.K.'s and Ben had placed Audrey on a bed, who was still sleeping and drifting away. Even and Mal sat beside Audrey's staring at her, hoping she would wake up.

"She slipping away." Evie said, looking at Mal.

Mal leans her head down and raising it back up, thinking about something she should do and then spoke. "There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this, and that's Hades." She explained.

"Hades?" Ben spoke up, having his arms crossed over his chest. "He wouldn't do it. I wouldn't risk it."

Y/n stepped up and stood next to Mal, sighed. "Actually, he might do it for Mal and I." Y/n looks at Ben, placing her hand on Mal's shoulder. "He's our father."

Everyone in the room but Evie, all looked shocked at what Y/n had said about Hades.
Ben eyes widened slightly and fixed his belt, thinking of something.

"Okay." Ben mumbles under his breath, crossing his arms again. "Well, I'll have to send guards to get him."

"Maybe I can hitch a ride." Uma spoke up, everyone looking at her. "The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it." She added.

Harry stepped up next to Uma, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Well, then, you will need your first mate." He told Uma, making her chuckle lightly. Feeling a bit grateful for Harry's support for her.

Mal stared at Uma for a moment and smiles softly. "The Isle will be in very good hands."

Uma smiled at Mal, the room filling up with silence for a moment. "Can Celia and I go, too?"
They heard Quinn speak next to them, seeing her and Celia standing up from the couch, next to each other and holding each other's hand.

👑My Cobra👑 [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now