👑Once upon a time👑

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_________👑With VKs👑_________

Later, that night. The villains including Ben quietly walked over to Fairy Cottage, sneaking around the yard, looking around making sure no one was around or spots them. Ben and Mal leading the way, while the rest followed behind me, hiding behind some rock and slowly walking over to the cottage. Ben opening up the gate and walking it, breaking down the door, ready for a fight with Audrey...but there was no one there...

Everyone was walking in, looking around, Jay went upstairs to see if Audrey was there, then he came back down looking at the others.

"She's not upstairs." Jay said, grabbing Y/n's hand again, getting her by his side.

Just as the V.K.'s were gonna leave again, a door inside the place started banging, as if someone was knocking on it. Everyone looked at each other cautiously, wondering what was behind the door that was locked by a wooden log.

Ben quickly looked at Mal to stay back including the rest, as he walked up to the door, peaking through the little window was there. He looked down and saw someone familiar.

Eventually, Ben opens the door, looking down, seeing Chad curled up into a ball, hugging his knees and looking very scared.

"Chad?" Ben called out to him, confused on what he was doing.

"I want my mommy." Chad muttered. Ben offers to help him up but Chad just flinches. "No..."

"It's okay. What happened, buddy?" Ben asked him, standing him up.

"Hmm." He looks up at Ben. "Ben. Ben!" Chad hugged him closely and touched his beard. "Your face." He mumbles.

After Chad looked around, seeing only the villains around him including Ben, he looks around some more. "She's gone? Huh? The door is open. I'm free." Chad muttered, before running off to the door. "Freedom! Oh!" He shouted and ran out of the cottage.

Leaving the V.K.'s with confusion and chuckling at what had happened.

__________👑 With Jane 👑__________

Jane, Doug, and Gil ran through the school, looking for Fairy Godmother, to try and break this whole Audrey thing. As they quickly rushed through the school, they made there way outside, but something was in front of them. Making Jane stop, including Doug and Gil.

It was Fairy Godmother...She was turned into a statue.

Jane gasped. "Oh, my gosh." She looked at her mother, that was sold as a stone. Then was stood in front of Fairy Godmother, Gil and Doug behind her, with a worried expression, until Jane spoke.

"Hi, mom." Jane said. "Um, I don't know if you can hear me. But it's been a really crazy day. On the plus side, it's been the longest birthday I've ever had." She laughed. "On the minus side, everybody's under an evil spell. But on the plus side, Carlos remembered my birthday."

Jane than held up her necklace, Carlos had made for her, and showing it to Fairy Godmother, hoping that she could hear her daughter words and how her day was going. "See?" Jane smiles, before just staring at her mother's statue. "We're going to figure out how to undo this. We'll fine a way to make this right, Mom."

Jane reassured Fairy Godmother, hoping that the V.K.'s could find Audrey and put a stop into this madness that she had made throughout the whole kingdom.

_______👑 Back with the Vks 👑_______

The V.K.'s walked out the Fairy Cottage. Walking around the forest, getting away from the building they were at. Mal was next to Ben, as he had his arm around her shoulder, and Uma walked beside Mal, laughing slightly.

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