•Got your back•

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_______________👑 Auradon 👑_______________

The V.K.'s, the pirates, and the two little girls had all made back Auradon safely. Once they arrived at the yard of the school, all students were asleep that was cast by Audrey.

"They're asleep...everyone." Evie noticed.

Mal couldn't believe that Audrey would do this to all of Auradon. She was worried about Ben. Where could he be? Did Audrey get him? Is he asleep somewhere? She didn't know. She hoped that once they find Audrey, they can hopefully bring everyone back. Let's just hope, nothing happens to Y/n.

"I can't get Ben."

"Or Dizzy or Doug."

"Or Jane. The signal is out."

While the V.K.'s were investigating, Celia and Quinn glanced over at the big building across the yard.

"Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia asked, making Carlos look at her and nod.

"Yeah. When everybody wakes up, you're both going to love it." Carlos said with a smile but went back to look for clues.

The two little girls stared at the school for a moment before glancing at each other. "Geez." Celia and Quinn squealed together.


Gil was waking aroung, glancing all over the place, while his mouth slightly open from bright the place is.
Jay was behind him, looking at him while Y/n was next to holding his hand.

"Everything is so..."


"Green." Gil look at the couple next to him. "You have leaves on your trees. And what are those colored things on the bushes?" He asked.

Y/n smiled slightly. "Uh, you mean the flowers?" She replied.

"Flowers, are pretty." Gil muttered with a smile, turning over to a table with a bowl of fruits, making his eyes widened. "Cantaloupe! Mm! Mm!" He started eating the fruit that was there, and Jay tried to stop him.

"We don't have fresh fruit on the Isle, remember?" Uma told Jay, making him look over at Gil, who was still eating the fruit, and sigh.

Jay patted his shoulder. "They're grapes." He turned to Y/n and grabbed her hand tightly. "Come on, Hun." He said walking away from Gil.

"Grapes." Gil mumbles, eating one last one. "I love grapes."


Harry on the other hand, was looking around when he came across some people around a table sleeping. And saw that one of them had money inside his shirt pocket.

"I believe I deserve some compensation for my muscles, my wile, and my role in this endeavor." Harry smirked, grabbing the money and talking to the sleeping people. Good thing Jay noticed and walked over to him, grabbing the money of Harry's hand.

"You do." Jay said firmly and placed the money back on the person's pocket. "Me not squashing you like a bug."

Harry grinned. "You don't want to see Y/n's face if you attack me, do you?" He asked.

"Trust me. She'll understand why I would pick a fight with you and bust your face up." Jay said with a serious tone.

Harry chuckled. "Think I'm scared of you, Jay?" He questioned, smirking at Jay with his hook.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Boys." They both turned to her, while she raised her eyebrow as if to say 'stop it'. Harry was the only one smirking and Jay was glaring at Harry, walking back to his wife.

👑My Cobra👑 [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now