Can you smile again?

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Jungkook came out from his room while rubbing his forhead as his head was aching
Then he heard his phone rang he received it and found it was from jimin

In call
Jimin: hello jungkook good morning
Jungkook: good morning hyung
Jimin: where were you I was scared finding you not here
Jungkook: I am in Jeon mansion
Jimin: ok then there is no point of worrying, drink some like lemenonde   it will reduce your headache
Jungkook: mn
Jimin: I need to get ready for office bye
Jungkook: bye I will be there in evening
Jimin: ok
Call ended

Jungkook went towards the kitchen area and found the headcheff
Jungkook: please prepare lemonade sure young master
Jungkook: where is grandpa don't know master left the mansion and told that he will back in afternoon
Jungkook: did he told where he went no
Jungkook: did he told where he went no and here is your lemenade
Jungkook took the glass and sat on the stool while drinking it young master can I say you one thing
Jungkook: mn seeing you coming home drunk is something which master never expected,I  think he is sad regarding this
Jungkook felt guilt form in him when he heard it , his grandfather must be disappointed in him
God he was disappointing every single person he knew , he drank the lemenonde and left the kitchen and went to his room and closed the room with thud
He sat down on floor while backing the door , tears made way through his eyes
A sense of familiarity started to form around him , he remembered the past himself, how pathetically he was crying in past and now the same thing he is repeating again
He was pathetic , he put his love towards taehyung above everything , he litterly put his own self-respect down for love , why he was being like this
A strong independent jungkook where was he , why he was like this when it comes to the matter of love
Love was supposed to be happiness right
It was supposed to give you strength then why his love was making him so weak that he was disappointing everyone and himself
Why was he craving for love
He had his grandpa who loved him so much then why in the hell he was dieng to get loved by taehyung
Taehyung also has a fault in it but his fault was more
He gave himself to taehyung
Taehyung has clearly given me chance to back away but he didn't back away
He felt terrible
He felt need to cry , he felt need to bleed
Jungkook had promised himself when he was 19 year old that he would never cut himself again but he was going to break his promise , this all things were becoming too much for him
Jungkook: I need a therapist I really need one , I need get control over myself I need it

In Kim Mansion
Taehyung left haneul in namjin's home and left towards kim mansion
What taehyung was feeling cannot be expressed in words
Hearing jungkook's words he felt horrified
Jungkook loving him , god jungkook loved him
He cursed at himself he has never had idea that younger had these feelings towards him
How pathetic was he , he needed emotional support, he needed someone at his worst that why he let the things happen
But now he was regretting it
He made jungkook's feelings grow more by his doings
Jungkook gave himself to him because the younger loved him and he took jungkook because he was devasted he needed someone , he felt like he took advantage of jungkook's love even without knowing it
He threw away the things , everything was broken in the living room
He don't know what to feel right now
Taehyung: why you left me Jiuen see what's happening in our life why you left
He remembered the pain in jungkook's eyes when he told how taehyung would never love him  the younger was hurt
He was hurt , he just imagined how he must have felt while seeing him and jiuen being close he could only imagine the pain of seeing your love with other
He felt horrible for hurting the younger it doesn't matter if he knew the youngers feeling he still hurt him , he has been hurting the boy from freaking 15 years .
Messed up that what their life is , should I make it more messed up by adding more angsty
Guys you all need happy ending or sad ending
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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