Can you smile again?

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Taehyung listened Jaemin with full attention
Taehyung: we hurt him grandpa
Jaemin nodded his head in yes
Jaemin: you hurt him unknowingly tae but me , I hurt him knowingly
I asked him to choose between me and you
My bun has me only still I didn't understood him
Taehyung: grandpa what should I do
Jaemin: what
Taehyung: should I give him what he wants grandpa
Jaemin: do you love him taehyung?
Taehyung: love is very big word for me at this point grandpa, jiuen's death had taken so much from me I don't know if I would be ever able to love anybody
Jaemin: then don't
Taehyung: but he will be hurt
Jaemin: he will be more hurt knowing that you returned his feelings out of guilt
Taehyung: why it's happening with us grandpa
Jaemin: I don't know taehyung

Then they heard knock on the rooms door
Both of them turned and found namjin with haneul
Haneul: kookie
Haneul ran towards jungkook and jin followed her whereas namjoon sat beside taehyung
Namjoon: how is he
Jaemin: doc told he will woke up in hour's
Namjoon: grandpa are you fine
Jaemin: seeing this no I am not but I am revealed that he is out of danger
Namjoon: why he did it
Taehyung: because of
Jaemin: me
Taehyung stared at Jaemin with shock
Jaemin: I asked him to marry ray that's why he did it
Namjoon: grandpa I dont belive it but I will not ask further
Taehyung hung his head down
Namjoon kept his hand on taehyung making him raise in head
Namjoon: it's ok he is fine
Taehyung just nodded his head
Namjoon always understood taehyung without taehyung's words
He is lik father figure to taehyung
Just how jin is to jungkook
Taehyung: it's been horrible year
Namjoon: hm it is
Taehyung: yoongi hyung
Namjoon: he was ready to come yesterday only but he couldn't as the flight ticket were not available
Taehyung: he must be worried
Namjoon: worried ? Jimin told he was crying , it took hours to jhope and Jimin to calm him down
Taehyung: who will not jungkook is his world , he love jungkook more then jimin and jhope
Namjoon: hmm
Taehyung: jin hyung
Namjoon: broke everything in our room hearing it , haneul was not supposed to hear it but guess what she heard it so we bought her
Taehyung: I was scared
Namjoon held taehyung's hand
Namjoon: let's go out I think we need to talk
He took taehyung out from the room and made him sit on the seat he sat beside him holding his hand
Namjoon: say it
Taehyung burst into tears
Taehyung: hyung he he called me his voice was broken hyung if I didn't reach at time god we would have lost him
Namjoon: taehyung calm down
Taehyung: you don't know how I felt hyung , at a point he stopped talking and I lost my mind hyung my heart stopped beating
Namjoon: why
Taehyung: hn?
Namjoon: why you felt like it
Taehyung: everyone would feel it
Namjoon: why he called you when his grandfather was in same house
Taehyung: hyung what you want to say
Namjoon: taehyung you are getting attached to jungkook
Taehyung: what are you saying hyung
Namjoon: you are confused we will talk when jungkook becomes well
Taehyung: hyung
Namjoon: come lets go inside
Namjoon went inside the room
Taehyung sat in the same seat
Taehyung: again the same words confused why hyung's always thinks I am confused

Inside the room
Haneul held jungkook's bandaid hand
Haneul: kookie wake up
She cried seeing him , seeing jungkook's state she remembered her mother who in this same state year ago
She saw her mother laying in the hospital bed and that's was the last time she saw her mother
Haneul: don't leave me kookie, me and dada will be alone don't leave us
Jin: hey bud he is sleeping he will wake up in hours

aneul: why his hands bandaid
Jin: he fell that's why now he is fine he will woke up
Haneul: mn
Jaemin: han come here
Haneul went near Jaemin
Jaemin: you love kookie
Haneul: hmm
Jaemin: but what if he gets married to ray noona or mingyu uncle
Haneul: he will not
Jaemin: why?
Haneul: he promised me that he will never marry and leave me and dada
Jaemin: he promised
Haneul: yes
Jaemin: but everyone has to get marry
Haneul: but kookie said he will not
Jaemin: kookie needs someone to take care of himself right just like how your dad used to care your mumma
Haneul: then kookie has dada he will take care of kookie, I will also take care of kookie
Jaemin chuckled hearing it
Jaemin: but it will be not same as marriage
Haneul: then dada can marry kookie he will take care of him and kookie will be together with me
Jaemin: but don't you wanted no one to be in your mother's place
Haneul: but papa kookie is not anyone kookie is different , kookie takes care of me just like mumma ne more then mumma , he loves us , loves dada
Jaemin: did you eat something han
Jin: no papa she didn't
Jaemin: then jin take her to canteen make her eat something
Jin took haneul with him to canteen namjoon stared Jaemin who hung his head down
Namjoon: what happened papa
Jaemin: a child could see that jungkook loves taehyung but I couldn't
Namjoon: papa you know where you were wrong
You were wrong when you didn't notice jungkook's change
You got so immersed in jiuen that you forgot that jungkook was there suffering
But you know who noticed it jin and yoongi did papa
Jin was there when jungkook was depressed
Yoongi was there when jungkook was in this same situation before
When you were with Jiuen celebrating jiuen's pregnency jungkook was in this hospital sleeping just like this I was there , yoongi was there, jin jimin jhope was here where were you papa
You failed him grandpa ,you failed hyung and sister-in-law ,Jiuen loved her brother right then you failed her also
You failed in your duty
(Namjoon is Jaemin's sisters son so jungkook's father is his hyung and so he calls Jaemin papa)
I am not making you guilty but saying the truth
Taehyung can't be blamed for this because be never knew about jungkook's feelings
But I don't know why he blames himself (namjoon don't know the things happened between taekook so does jin only grandpa knows it)
Jaemin: I thought Jungkook changed like everyone chang when they become adult , i thought he was introvert I didn't know he was going through this
I am disappointment
Jaemin cried in feeling guilty
Namjoon: what's the use of crying papa
Nothing will change the scars are made now we have to try to make the scars disappear by providing jungkook love , care we should make him love himself
Yoongi will be talking so rudely with you so do not take it too your heart but take it to mind and understand him

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