Can you smile again?

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Taehyung didn't left to canteen rather then that he went towards the garden area of the hospital sat on the bench below the tree
He stared at the sun rays falling on the ground
If was morning 7 O'clock he rubbed his forhead feeling pain
Taehyung: I really need to take medicine but I can't even take one bite of food untill jungkook gets his concious
Taehyung sat there while wondering how did his life take such a turn
Jungkook the boy who admired him , the boy who always made him smile, the boy who loved him without taehyung knowing
The boy who hurt himself because of taehyung
He was messed up remembering the words of younger
Younger has been taehyung's comfort place since his wife died
Younger has taken care of his daughter when he himself was emotionally unavailable
He loved Jiuen , he loved her so much that's why her disappearence took so much for him
He don't know if he can ever fell in love again but again
He can't let jungkook feel pain , jungkook became his comfort place and he can't see him like this 
If he start to give what jungkook wants it will be not fair for jungkook and himself
It will the act did out of guilt not out of  love
Taehyung: I can't see him hurt but I can't fake love him it will be sin
God why him , why us

In seon's house
Ray was staring at her father with anger
Ray: dad you want me to marry jungkook because you think I will happy with him
Seon: yeah
Ray: then what about his happiness
Seon:who will not be happy to have ray as their partner
Ray: well he will not be happy dad
Seon: and why is that? You are everything a person would want in his partner
Ray: I am not ,I am not the one who he wants
Seon: then who he wants ? His Brother-in-law?
Ray stared at father with shock
Ray: you knew still
Seon: no ray I got to know about it yesterday
Ray: dad he tried to kill himself because this and you think we will live happily
Seon: he will get over with this feelings it will fade away
Ray: jokes on you dad , he didn't develop these feelings from this year he had been loving taehyung from his teenagehood ,he loved taehyung before Jiuen
Seon was staring at his daughter with shock
Ray: yes dad that idiot has been in love with taehyung from 15 year's ( I think I forgot the year I mentioned) and dad you think it will fade away
It will not , jungkook loved taehyung without accepting anything in return and you think he will start to love me forgetting taehyung jokes on you dad
He will kill himself then marrying me
Seon: but Taehyung will never
Ray: love him he knows it still he loves him and now I think taehyung will also may be going to fell in love with him
Seon: how by attempting sucide if taehyung accepts jungkook now it will be all out of guilt and fear nothing else
Ray: you think jungkook will let taehyung accept him in this state
Yes jungkook loves taehyung but that doesn't mean he will manipulate him by doing this sucide stunts he is not like his sister
Seon: sister? What do you mean by it ray?
Seon noticed the anger vanish from his daughters face and nervousness arise in her voice
Ray: what nothing dad just go and cancel this marriage before I hurt myself
Ray: you children's think hurting yourself is going to solve your problems , why can't you think what your parents will feel about it.
Ray: dad stop acting like goodness's statute and do what I said
Seon: ok
Thanks for reading ♥️♥️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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