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Okay ,

i know that it has been around for a while since i updated the book and I'm sorry for it , but my exams are around and about to start from Tomorrow that is 26th October.

Not trying to flex or boast about it but I have always been a  student who has always passed with great scores and grades , and i really don't wish to disappoint my parents and teachers with my grades this time too

So yeah, i won't be updating the book for some days but I'll be back with great chapters full of fluff and adorable moments, I hope you understand me.

And i apologise to everyone who have been waiting for an update , i really don't wish to disappoint you guys , I will be updating as soon as I'm done with my exams and I really hope you guys don't mind.

And i apologise to everyone who have been waiting for an update , i really don't wish to disappoint you guys , I will be updating as soon as I'm done with my exams and I really hope you guys don't mind

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All alright and the second thing,  a bit more serious ,

So I sincerely apologize to everyone who were been harrassed by Chim_Aarri , I never thought that it would cause such a huge mess , I am really sorry for the trouble and from the deep core of my heart , I apologise again to everyone and
Specially :-

I am really sorry about the huge mess and trouble you had to go through, I never meant any harm towards anyone , i just wanted to make it clear that if you don't like my work , you can just quit reading it rather than hating on me but I guess I shouldn't have done that tho.

Whatever it is , I hope you guyzz will forgive me , and I'll make it up to everyone for going on a hiatus by some special chapters ?

I love youuu.

I love youuu

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