chapter 4: little escape

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We see the four girls arrive at a ladder that goes up to their base. They place their ravager by the ladder as they got off and malory takes a hold of mathew. He struggles to escape as malory does her best to hold him.

Malory: stop squirming!

Mathew: let me go! I want to go back!

Malory: not a chance

Li: plus even if you escape where will you go and how long will you survive out their

Mathew: I was taught

Cara: well you weren't taught enough little one

Malory goes up the ladder first as he holds onto mathew tight. The others follow behind with their weapons out. As they arrive at their base mathew sees that they built their base on the side of a rocky wall, far up from the ground. He also sees that above it is another platform that goes to another base. Right now they entered the base as malory place mathew on the table for him to sit.

Mathew: where are we?

Malory: you are in our house

Mathew: you live high up on a rock

Malory: yup

Natalya: dlya nas eto bezopasnoye mesto
                (It's a safe place for us)

Mathew: what did she say?

Malory: she speaks Russian, for give her

Mathew: ok

Li: now *sits on a chair* why are you guys here?

Mathew: what do you mean?

Cara: what's your name?

Mathew: mathew, mathew Fong

Cara: mathew, cute name

Mathew: thanks

Malory: so what's so special about you? Normal we wouldn't see someone with a child by their side

Mathew: well I was... Well you see I was born in the desert ark

Malory: wait? Did you say you were born in an ark

Mathew: ya

Li: you weren't created by the ark?

Mathew: no... My mother gave birth to me when she and my father were on the desert ark

Cara: wait you were born from your mother instead of being created by the ark

Mathew: ya

Li: that's insane and strange

Malory: so that person your with? Is he your father?

Mathew: you mean Evan?

Malory: is that his name

Mathew: yes and no he's not my blood father, he's my step father

Malory: step father?

Mathew: he adopted me

Malory: oh ok, so he killed your parents to adopt you huh?

Mathew: what!? No him and his friends found me

Cara: found you lad?

Mathew: my parents died from a wyvern attack, weeks before they showed up on the ark

Cara: I see

Malory: you became friends with them, what a shame

Mathew: a shame... Why do you hate them, we never did anything to you or we never thought we were alone

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