chapter 16: special guest

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5 hours later.

Vanoss and the others have made it back to the base safe and sound with the artifact and a person. They have place him on the table and put a pillow under his head. They place the artifact in storage with the other artifact. They are right now waiting to see if he wakes up, while nakedzombo and raasclark examined him to see if it's someone they know. About a minute or so they finish and they know who it is with the help with hln-a.

HLN-A: I finished scanning him and identifying him

Basically: so who is it?

HLN-A: it's.... *Pause for a second* wait this can't be right

Nogla: what is it?

HLN-A: my scan shows that he's from earth. Your world to be exactly

Vanoss: the one are original selves are at

HLN-A: yes

Malory: another one from your world huh

Terrorizer: seems like it

Wildcat: is that why said that this isn't right?

HLN-A: no it's not that

Wildcat: huh?

HLN-A: it's that he's a copy of his original self, but his original self on my data says that he passed away

Everyone went quite for a moment and just thought of what hln-a said. This person is a copy of his former self in their world, but he passed away. So how is their a copy of himself here without hln-a operating the ark.

Vanoss: wait this is a copy of someone that passed away

HLN-A: it says it in my scan of course

Cara: wow, someone that came back from the dead

HLN-A: you could say that

Vanoss: so who is it?

Raasclark: it's thick44

They all turn to look at raasclark and he turn looks at them.

Raasclark: thick44, he's another ark youtuber

Wildcat: another youtuber that ark like you two

Raasclark: yes but he doesn't play ark alone. He has a group that play ark with him. A YouTube group called neebs gaming

Li: what kind of name is that?

Nakedzombo: you'll probably understand if you were in our world

Li: right

Raasclark: and ya I heard that he passed away. But now here he is, alive in a copy form

Basically: damn

Terrorizer: so what are we going to do now?

Nakedzombo: we wake him up

Malory: how? He's unconscious?

Nakedzombo: *think for a moment and looks at hln-a* hey hln-a, how special are you?

HLN-A: I thought you know how special I am?

Nakedzombo: yes but is there anything you have that we aren't sure about?

HLN-A: hmmm? Well I have some few gadgets in my systems. Unless you want to know about my ability to use the defibrillator

Raasclark: you can do that?

HLN-A: it's one of my emergency gadgets

Raasclark: ok

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