Episode 11

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3rd P.O.V.

Welcome back, everyone! We're back for another episode of Waifu Interviewer! We open up with a new waifu guest Scathach from the Fate series as she winks at Kakyoin.

Welcome back, everyone! We're back for another episode of Waifu Interviewer! We open up with a new waifu guest Scathach from the Fate series as she winks at Kakyoin

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Daito: Wait a second, isn't she more of an onee-san?

Y/n: Yeah... your right. Wait a minute why does she look familiar...

Daki: What do you mean, Y/n?

Kakyoin: Daito, Y/n, I may love Milfs. And I may not be allowed in the state of Tennessee.

Y/n /Daki/Daito: Wait what?

Kakyoin: But a true gentleman appreciates a good onee-san like Scathach.

Daito: Seriously, what did you say about Tennessee?

Y/n: Because it sound like your on a wanted list or something that related with this situation.

Avoiding the question, Scathach spoke to Kakyoin.

Scathach: Say, Kakyoin, you sure do know how to treat a woman. How about we go back to my place and....?

Placing a hand on Kakyoin making him get excited as he makes a weird expression.

Placing a hand on Kakyoin making him get excited as he makes a weird expression

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Daki: Ah! What the fuck!?

Y/n: This is the last time I'm letting him take over the show again. But seriously why does she look familiar to me...

Before anything could move any further between them. They were suddenly interrupted by none than Cu Chulsinn who is wearing a SpongeBob shirt and sitting next to Scathach.

Cu Chulsinn: Master are we done yet? SpongeBob is coming in sooon~uh. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob Squarepants. Absorbent and yellow and porous is he? Spong-

Everyone minus Scathach was looking at Cu Chulsinn with a "WTF" expression.

Daki: Is... he ok.

Y/n: Why is he acting a kid?

Scathach: Oh hehe, don't mind him. My student over there got his ass kicked in the Holy Grail Wars so many times, that his mind reverted to that of a child.

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