Chapter 8: I'm not ready

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Before you start reading this part, can I request y'all to read until the end ? I have some short message to you guys. Thank you !!!

Zee, who was sleeping soundly on his soft bed, woke up as soon as he felt a warm kiss on his forehead. He opened both his eyes and saw a beautiful girl looking at him with a smile. Zee then smiled sweetly at the girl and got up from the bed. He sat on the bed rubbing his eyes slowly.

Zee: Ma ?

Zee's mother gave her son the sweetest smile.
Ma: What time did you get back yesterday?
Zee: About 2 am ?
Ma: 2 am ? Your shift should be done at 12 am, right ?
Zee: Yeah but I have something to handle last night.
Ma: Something ?
Zee: Yeah ... that's why I come back home late last night.
Ma: You sent him back home secretly, didn't you?
Zee: ...
Ma: Am I right, my son ?
Zee: Yes, Ma. I was worried about his condition yesterday because he looked very drunk and he was alone. Usually he comes to the Pentagon with two of his friends but not yesterday. So, I followed him until he reached home.

Zee's mother sighed as she looked at her son's face. He reached for Zee's wrist and he gripped it tightly. He looked into Zee's eyes.
Ma: It's been 2 weeks since you did that. You take care of him very well but why are you hiding?
Zee: ...
Ma: Why don't you try to approach him ?
Zee: Ma ... I'm hungry. Did you make our breakfast ? Lately, I always skipped my breakfast and I miss your tom luad moo (boiled pork soup).
Ma: Hmm ... you are trying to change the topic, Zee.
Zee: Ma ... can we stop talking about this ?
Ma: Why ? Hmm ?
Zee: It just that I don't want to talk about this for now. 
Ma: Okay, kha ... Ma so sorry naa ...
Zee: It's okay, Ma.

Zee's mother let go of her hand and she gently stroked Zee's head with a sweet smile. Zee was her only son and eldest child before she gave birth to Tontawan. Zee is a very good and responsible son. Their family is not as rich as other families but with the presence of Zee, his parents never worry about their family's finances because Zee works diligently even as a part-timer only. 

Zee's mother looked at Zee.
Ma: Go take a bath and after that now go take a shower and then straight to the dining table. We will wait for you there.
Zee: We ? What do you mean ?
Ma: Your Pa took a day off because he had to send me to see the doctor. I ran out of diabetes medicine.
Zee: Aow ? You can ask me to send you Ma.
Ma: Your Pa said he didn't want to burden you since you must be tired from working the whole night.
Zee: Oho ... no ... I never tired, Ma. I did this for us too, right ?
Ma: It's okay. Your Pa can send me. You can take care of Tu at home.
Zee: Why ? What happened to her ?
Ma: She suddenly had a fever last night so she didn't go to school.
Zee: Really ?
Ma: Yes but don't worry because she's getting better. It just that she need some rest.
Zee: Oh ... I see. 
Ma: Now, go take a bath.
Zee: Krub ....

Zee's mother then got out of bed and stepped out of Zee's bedroom while Zee then took her bath towel. Without wasting time, he then stepped towards the bathroom. Zee spent almost half an hour taking a shower. After that, he put on his clothes and walked towards the kitchen. He saw all his family members already waiting for him at the dining table. Without letting them wait, Zee then took his seat next to Tu.
Zee: Good morning, everyone.
Tu: Morning, P'Zee.

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