00.3 PT2 A hero is born!

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They boosted off, heading towards the mountain

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They boosted off, heading towards the mountain.

A bull clone spied as they left, reporting to Red Son.

" WHAT?! You let them get away?! " He burst into flames.

" So, You're plan didn't go according to plan. " PIF smiled.

" Oh don't worry my sweet, useless boy. Mother will get the staff, I'm not about to let anyone stop us. "

" Not this time. " She turned into a tornado before flying off.

MK was flailing his staff around, while yhe others just either sat down or slept, YN was with Mei watching puppy videos.

MK's staff suddenly elongated swiftly, almost hitting them both.

" Woo! That was awesome! "

Mei cheered while YN sweatdropped at the staff.

" Oh! Sorry guys, " MK tried to lift the staff. It suddenly changed size and hit his face.

MK gasped when he saw FF mountain.

" We're here! Flower Fruit Mountain!- Agh! "

The boat shook violently, causing YN to stand up, Suddenly a burst of fire flew out next to the boat.

A crate fell out of the boat, MK now just noticing multiple volcanoes surrounding them.

" Welcome to the Flaming Mountains gang! A volcanic ring surrounds the mountain making it virtually impossible. " Sandy explained to the crew.

" This path is the only safe way through, that's as close as the boat can get. Just be careful. "

" Stupid Sandy, Stupid Tang, Just staying cozy in this stupid boat- What did i do to deserve this noodle gods?!" The pig groaned.

" Careful Piggy! You gotta wonder why Monkey King decided to live here of all places, "

" You know, when Monkey King had to get through the Flaming Mountains, He actually used Princess Iron Fan's Fan to- "

MK had been cut off by a dark chuckle. Y/N took a battle stance when they heard it, Gripping on the clothed item they brought.

" Well, Well, Well. Aren't you a little Monkey King fanboy? " PIF appeared with the gauntlet as a volcano erupted behind her, making for a cool effect.

She then used her fan to create a fireball, aiming for the crew.

Most of them ran away from the oncoming ball of flames, as the ball landed, smoke appeared.

" Kids?! Everyone okay?!- Y/N! "

The smoke cleared to reveal Y/N holding a katana with loosely covered bandages, the blade had smoke and seemed like they blocked the attack.

" Y/N?! I didn't know you could wield a sword! " MK and Mei shouted as their eyes gleamed.

" Huh? Wait.- " PIF squinted at their features, eyes widening as she had a vision of someone familiar bearing the same earrings with longer hair.

She shook her head, focusing on what she had been here for.

She chuckled,
" I'll be taking that staff now. "

" This belongs to The Monkey King. Theres now way were letting you take it. " Y/N had gone in front of the rest of them, Acting like a shield.

"Oh, You're just a little noodle boy and hanafuda girl/boy playing in being heroes. " PIF cooed.

" Sorry to disappoint, Playtime is over. " Mk dashed to her , Y/N following suit.

They tried to hit her, unfortunately she summoned her gauntlet to stop the staff and summoned a hand-sized fire ball to stop the other ones katana.

" What? " PIF then grabbed the staff from his hands, Then flung them both away.

" No! Mk, Y/N ! " Mei was grabbed by the arm by Pigsy, trying to stop her.



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end of chapter 00.3! Sorry i had to post this in two chapters, i think my wattpad couldnt take having 2k+ words in a chapter lol.

Thank you for your support my dear readers! Set your heart ablaze!

613 words

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