1.1- the weather station!

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I awoke with spots from the light on my figure in my dimly lit room, Sunlight peeking from the windows.

I quickly got up and opened my curtains, seeing the newly awoken city before me.

I changed to a new pair of clothes , smelling fresh.

I made my breakfast and then left my apartment after i had ate  ,  skipping down the stairs leading to the outdoors.

After that i jogged to the nearest flower shop and bought two boquets, I continued jogging until i found a cemetary,

entering it i found two familiar tombstones with the letters engraved:




[• MAKOMO. ]


I put the flowers on their graves and clasped my hands and prayed silently.

I let out a few words with a soft smile.

" The world is much more beautiful today , i'm sure you guys would have loved it if you were here to see it with me. " I glanced pitifully at both of their masks.

One had a red rope on it with a red design and the other one had blue , flower designs painted on.

I stood up and bowed before walking out of the cemetary, on the sidewalks again

I jogged foward until i got to Sandy's boat and saw the crew.

" Hey guys! "

" Y/N! " Both MK and Mei exclaimed.

After a while MK and Mei were rambling about what happened the week before.

" And then i grabbed my staff and whoosh! I created this giant mech! "

I sat beside Tang watching TV and then i looked to Pigsy scolding Tang again which i started to unsheathe my sword and checking for any damage.

I suddenly heard Sandy shouting and i looked up to see the chain holding a crate breaking in half due to the weight, to which i quickly dashed away from it , using my hand to slow down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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