00.4 - A hero is born!

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The sound of the waves smoothly going to the shore was present, A smooth breeze was dancing through the air.

Two unconscious people layed in the soft bed of sand, peacefully undisturbed in their slumber until...

A stick poked the kid with the red headband awake, He looked to see a small monkey who was the cause of his awaken.

" Huh? "

More monkeys surrounded him and tackled him until he had enough

They all ran away from him, The other person still peacefully asleep beside his once slumbering figure.

He sighed, turning to look at the sleeping person.


I looked to their sleeping figure, silently admiring with a lovestruck smile on my face.

I always knew that i had a crush on them, ever since i was a kid after Pigsy found me all alone.

I walked up to them, slightly hesitant to break this rare moment.

I finally gently nudged them awake, seeing their bright e/c eyes stare at me before looking around their surroundings.


I saw... Something, in my dream.

I saw... A cabin in the middle of a forest covered in cold snow.

There were 7 figures, most of which i couldnt see very well as they were all blurred.

One stood out to me, She wore a pink kimono with a maroon haori.

She... Smiled brightly at me with her pink eyes that i felt very familiar with.

My eyes... Were burning all of the sudden, I didn't know why. But i was crying.

She then walked up to me and gently grabbed my face, She still smiled at me and wiped my tears away.

I then heard familiar voices that i wouldnt know i'd hear after so long.

" Never give up Onii-chan/Nii-chan. "

The other four smiled at me with hope.

Then, the two older ones came up to me, patting my head at once.

" You can do this, Y/N. It's not your time yet. "

The female and male looked down at me, smiling.

" Mama, Papa... "

" You must wake up. Your friend is waiting for you. " They all said at once.


I woke up to someone gently nudging me, as if signaling me to wake up.

I blinked slowly, staring at the familiar red headband on his head. I then looked at my surroundings, Seeing that i was on a unfamiliar beach.

" 𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑶𝑲𝑨𝑴𝑰 𝑲𝑨𝑮𝑼𝑹𝑨 " •  lmkWhere stories live. Discover now