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The symbiote hasn't revealed its alive yet and All might hasn't and won't give Izuku OFA.
Izuku goes to the beach.Littered with trash and old discarded items.
Izuku(thinking):Cleaning this place up would be good for my muscles,and some of the items around here would be good for target practice.
It had been 5 months and Izuku made tremendous progress.He discovered his ability to shapeshift,extend his body,and also learned of his enhanced physique.Occasionally All might would come to see the boy and check up on him,still rooting for him even if he isn't training him.When the 6th month came,Izuku was sitting,getting tired after all of the hard work he's done.
Izuku:The beach is nearly clean,at this rate-
???:We'll ace the exam
Izuku:We'll ace the exam
Izuku was shocked as he thought he heard another voice,he knows he did,yet no one else is there.
Izuku:Who said that?
???:I did
A black short tendril came from Izuku's back. The front of the tendril formed into a face with a grin and white eyes.

 The front of the tendril formed into a face with a grin and white eyes

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(Izuku is Brock in this picture,but he's holding nothing.)
Izuku freaked out at the new entity that appeared before him
Izuku:W-W-W-What are you?!
Symbiote:Your friend,or rather your power.Do you remember the canister?That substance...that was me.
As Izuku calms down he asks
Izuku:How is my quirk alive!?I've never heard of or seen this before!
Symbiote:I am not a quirk,I am not of this world.I come from the stars.
Izuku:From space?
The symbiote nods in confirmation as it explains its history,it crashed in a meteorite and simply wants it back.Izuku starts to slowly but surely understand the aliens background.The symbiote also reveals it wasn't favorited among its groups either.Izuku and the symbiote came to an agreement.
Izuku and the symbiote come to an agreement, Izuku searches for the meteorite when he has the time,and the symbiote lends him its "benefits".
Izuku and the symbiote look to the sun setting and see that it's getting late.He walks home but is stopped when Bakugo appears in front of him.
Bakugo:Fight me!
Bakugo:I bet you think you're so much better than me from that fiasco with that goop prick HUH!!!FIGHT ME SO I CAN PROVE YOU WRONG!!!
Izuku:One one condition.We do this tomorrow, after school in front of everyone.
Bakugo agrees,confident that the time or place doesn't matter.He'll still win.
Izuku finally gets home in time for dinner.At bed he starts feeling...excitement.

WE are going to show them

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...WE are going to show them.ALL OF THEM!

If deku had Insomniacs venom symbioteWhere stories live. Discover now