Breaking point

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Using one for all,Mirio charged at the lizard,he throws a powerful punch that sends shockwaves,the lizard was sent so far that he was in a mountain.his arm is broken and bleeding.However,his wound regenerates.Ryuko tackled the lizard and they start biting and clawing each other.Ryuko is able to rip of lizards tail and get in the air.Mirio comes down like a meteor with a hard and powerful kick.
Ryuko:Keep pushing!
Surprising the boy and hero,the lizard began to speak.
Lizard:Destruction is all that awaits you.
Lizard puts his claws to the ground,as a wave of destruction makes its way towards the duo.

Lizard puts his claws to the ground,as a wave of destruction makes its way towards the duo

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Mirio tries making a shockwave,but it doesn't stop the decay.Ryuko picks him up and they get out of the way.
To the other fight.
Anti-venom and carnage were in the city at a stalemate.
Anti-Venom:Who are you?!And how do you have a symbiote?!
The red beast manifested tentacles with blades and sent countless tendril stabs at Anti-Venom, actually managing to land some attacks.The red beast then started to pound anti-venoms face in.Anti-Venom kicks the red beast off and yeats him across the city.He then hears buildings crumbling around him and sees everything around him collapse and turn to dust.
Anti-Venom:No!The people!
He tried to fly to the decaying buildings,but he saw that he was too late.He sees body parts turn to dust and hears the screams.He looks around at the chaos and sees-

He looks around at the chaos and sees-

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His scream could be heard for miles even beyond the city.He's able to find some survivors.There were countless men,women, and children injured or even dead.He finds countless bodies.The red beast fled,nowhere to be seen.Pro heroes arrived and were distraught.They were even more shocked to see a boy in the midst of the destruction and corpses.

They were even more shocked to see a boy in the midst of the destruction and corpses

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If deku had Insomniacs venom symbioteWhere stories live. Discover now