The beginning of the year

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Izuku is currently getting ready for his 1st day at U.A high school.But before he leaves,his mother calls.
Inko:I want you to know how proud of you I am of you honey.
Izuku:Thanks mom.😊
Izuku heads to school and is surprised at the size of it.Do they have giants at this school?
Izuku finds his classroom and enters and sees 2 people that he didn't want to see.
Iida:You would threaten me you cretin?!Are you sure you're in the right place?!Huh,it's him.
Everyone looks at Izuku and recognizes him as the "black beast of the entry exam".
Iida:Greetings,my name is Tenya Iida of the somei acada-
Izuku:O-o-oh yeah,I heard.
Iida:I must say,as a student,you are far superior to me.
As Izuku tries to refute his compliment.He senses Uraraka behind him and turns around to say hi.
Uraraka:Oh!How'd you know I was behind you?
Izuku:Oh!It's all just a part of...
Izuku stopped talking as his demeanor changed and the symbiote started to cover his body

Izuku stopped talking as his demeanor changed and the symbiote started to cover his body

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Izuku:You have 5 seconds to tell me who you are before I rip you apart.
All the students were shocked at the quick change of demeanor,there more shocked when they hear an unfamiliar voice.A yellow bean bag stands up as a man unzips and stands out.
Aizawa:Just call me Mr.Aizawa or sensei,I'm your hero course teacher.
The teacher pulled out a bundle of uniforms.
Aizawa:Pit these on and meet me in the field outside.
They dress and meet their teacher on the field.
Aizawa:Usually,when doing things like P.E class,you only used your body.Now you get to use your quirks.You.
He points to Izuku
Aizawa:You got 1st place on the exam,what was your ball throwing score back in middle school?
Izuku:I don't remember.
Aizawa:Oh,well throw this using your quirk anyway.
Izuku manifests tendrils from his hand and swings and throws the ball.Aizawa turns a device to the students.
Everyone:800 METERS?!
Aizawa:This is what's possible with your quirks.
The students started to say it would be fun, until...
Aizawa:The person in last place is expelled.
Symbiote:Maybe we should...
Izuku:No,we have nothing to worry about.
Aizawa:You say something?
Aizawa noticed the change in Izuku's demeanor,but said nothing.Izuku was silent for the remainder of the test as he aced every category.Izuku gets 1st place.As Izuku's walking home he sees Iida and is followed by Uraraka.Izuku walks home happy that he has friends,something he hadn't had in a very long time.The day ends as Izuku heads home.The next day,Izuku was surprised at the normal classes.But then,at the end of the day.Izuku senses someone coming into the class and looks at the door in anticipation.
Everyone except Izuku:All might?!
All might:Today,we're going to have battle training!And all of your costumes have come in!Get changed and meet me at the area you took the entry exam!
Everyone changed into their suit and went to the place.
Uraraka:Hey Izuku,I like the suit,it's like a space suit!

Uraraka:Hey Izuku,I like the suit,it's like a space suit!

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Izuku:Thanks,a-a-and yours is nice too

Uraraka:Oh,thanks!I wasn't specific so they made it skin tight haha

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Uraraka:Oh,thanks!I wasn't specific so they made it skin tight haha.
All might:Alright!Today we're going to have battle training!You teams will be decided by if the cards you pull from this box match!
Izuku and Uraraka go up against Iida and Bakugo.
Izuku:Hey uraraka,do you trust me?
Izuku:Alright then
Izuku wraps his hand around her and climbs the wall searching for the bomb.They find it at the top floor.
Iida:What?!You can climb walls too?!Well, regardless yOu'Ll NevEr StoP mE HeROeS!!
Uraraka laughs while Izuku silently stares and starts to slowly approach Iida,ignoring the bomb.
Iida:Hm?You dare approach me?!Um,you walked past the bomb.Midoriya?S-stand back!
Izuku extends a tendril out and touches the bomb.
All might:Heroes win!
Bakugo:What?!Deku YOU COWARD!!!
Izuku:Wah wah wah,that's all I hear.
Bakugo grabs the pin on his gauntlet.
All might:Wait bakugo,the match is over and you could kill him!
Bakugo:He'll be fine if he dodges!
Before Bakugo can pull the pin,Izuku appears in front of him and grabs his hand and breaks it.Izuku then kicks his knee so hard it bends backwards.He then grabs the pin on Bakugo's gauntlet,faces it towards his face and...he pulls it.A giant orange beam hits bakugo point black.A hole goes through the building. As at the the floor Izuku stands over Bakugo's injured body.
Izuku:Just for good measure

Bakugo:Y-youuuIzuku:Just for good measure

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The class is silent.No one thought the kind and sweet Izuku midoriya could be so cruel and violent.The match ends as everyone else prays out of relief for not having to go against him. The day ends as Izuku walks home.The symbiote senses Izuku's sadness and attempts to comfort him.
Symbiote:What's wrong Izuku?
Izuku:I'm scared that all the friends I made are scared because of what we did today.
Symbiote:If you told them,I'm sure they'd understand you.
Izuku:I hope they do.

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