Encounters of the brief and hostile kind.

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Dabi didn't return to the hideout until the morning.He had dyed his hair black again, when he got back he saw the team in a tense vibe.
Dabi:What happened?
Twice:We're going to be working for these yakuza jerks.THEY SUCK!They're alright.
Dabi saw shigaraki mumbling,as if talking to someone.
Dabi:What's he-
Toga:He's been doing that for a while.
Dabi went to shigaraki,and was about to announce himself when the mumbling man suddenly went silent and looked back casually at him.Dabi noticed that for some reason shigaraki's left eyeball was yellow.
Shigaraki:Any luck?
Shigaraki:That's fine.We have all the help we need.
Dabi:Where are the others?
Shigaraki:There out,doing the same as you.I'll go find them.
The man leaps and starts swiftly climbing up the wall through the roof,surprising Dabi.
Dabi:What the hell happened to him?
Twice and Toga shrug,also unsure.
Back at U.A
Oddly enough,Izuku felt "enlightened" from the previous night.All this time,and he had never thought about the reasons the league was the way it was.If Dabi so simply would turn himself in after his goals,were the other villains goals be so simple with little cost?Can they be pacified?Can they even be...redeemed?His thoughts were interrupted by his teacher.
Aizawa:We're going on more internships. Except this time we're going with the big 3.
The trip walks into the room.Izuku decided to go with Mirio.They walk to an office building.
Mirio:We're going to meet a pro hero,he's my mentor,try to make him laugh.
As Izuku and Mirio walk into the room.

Izuku:WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!The blue female is released

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The blue female is released.
Bubble girl:Sorry for the weird 1st impression. She's quickly sent away as the slim man wearing glasses gives a monotone stare.

 She's quickly sent away as the slim man wearing glasses gives a monotone stare

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Izuku:Do you even have a sense of humor?
Izuku:This is a waste of my time.
The boy was about to leave when-
Nighteye:I see,you're as patient as I thought you'd be.Good.I have a special test for you.
The man pulls out stamps.His eye turns purple as he does nothing but stare.His quirk was "foresight".It allowed him to see the future of himself and other people.With it,he could properly prepare for anything and quickly shut opponents down.However,when the man looked into the future of the encounter.He only saw...his own defeat.He then walked around, only for more images of defeat to flood his mind.
Nighteye's eye return led to normal as he put the stamps back in his pocket.
Nighteye:Your in.
Izuku was flabbergasted.He didn't even do anything.But he accepted it.He manifested his suit and went on rounds with Mirio around the city as a small girl bumped into him.
Anti-Venom:Sorry about that.Are-
He looked down to see a small sniffling shaking girl,covered in bandages.
???:I-I'm sorry.
???:Eri?Come back now.
A man stepped behind her,wearing a green jacket.
???:Ah,heroes,sorry about my daughter-
Anti-Venom:Why is she covered in bandages?
The man and Mirio were surprised as they could sense a sudden hostility.
???:Well,she's just so clumsy.Let's start over.

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