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Aizawa:Here's the next part of your course.You guys are going to do internships with Pro heroes who have sent out for you.
Everyone was excited at the forms they got. Izuku's forms however,were shocking.He had gotten so many that the teachers were still bringing stacks in.But out of all the ones he chose,it was from the hero Edgeshot.Izuku was going to turn the form in when he saw Iida just get off the phone,he seemed tense.
Izuku:Are you ok Iida?
Iida:It's just my brother,he's injured.
Uraraka:Remember,you can tell us anything.
Iida left as his 2 friends gave him his space.Izuku had received an address and was surprised it took him to a casual house in hosu city.He knocked,and was answered by the hero Edgeshot.

He knocked,and was answered by the hero Edgeshot

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Edgeshot:Welcome,Izuku Midoriya.How are you?
Izuku:I'm well.
Izuku came into the house and was amazed at the simplicity.
Edgeshot:I don't require much.
Izuku:I have to ask,why'd you pick me?
Edgeshot:Well,I found out powers similar to each other,at least in some aspects.But I could ask the same question,I know I wasn't your only option,so why me?
Izuku:Well,I wanted to see if I could take a more precise and skilled approach with my powers,I can overwhelm people with my physical powers yes,but I wanted to expand my horizons.
Edgeshot:I see,that is a relief.
Izuku:How so?
Edgeshot:When I 1st heard of your actions,I had feared you were just a brainless savage going head first into every situation.But now,I see you are more than that.Shall we then?
The hero extended his hand to the boy
He took the hero's hand happily.
Edgeshot:Now then,show me how far you've come.

Edgeshot(thinking):Brutal and quick

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Edgeshot(thinking):Brutal and quick.

Edgeshot(thinking):Brutal and quick

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