The sports festival pt 1

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2 weeks.That was all it took.2.Weeks.In that short amount of time,Izuku has grown far more powerful than before.He can extend his mass further,he can terraform him his area,and his own physical power is increased even more.
The symbiote couldn't be happier to have something from its home with it.For 2 weeks they realized their capabilities and trained until the festival.And then,the day arrived.Everyone was getting dressed when-
Todoroki:Midoriya,since the beginning of the year,you've shown great skill and power.But...I will still beat you.This is my declaration of war.
Everyone was shocked,there all friends,or at least classmates aren't they?Everyone was more shocked at Izuku's response,he...chuckled.
Izuku:Let me tell you something Todoroki,in this world the 3 things that hurt me the most are high voltages,sounds, last one you have but don't even use,your ice isn't going to protect you from me.You want a war?You've got one.
The remaining prep time was silent.They arrived at the stadium and were given a run down by midnight.
Symbiote:Is she a hero or a stripper?
Izuku:Meh,who knows,who cares?
Midnight:Now then,the first round is...A RACE!Race to the finish line as fast as you can. Any questions?
Symbiote:I have an idea,ask her these.
Izuku started to ask some concerning questions.
Izuku:Are we allowed to directly harm each other?
Izuku:What if we didn't use our quirks?
Midnight:S-still no.
Izuku:Well,what was the point of that?
Symbiote:Mental warfare Izuku,mental warfare.
At the race.
The race started as Izuku let out a startling roar,disorienting everyone around him.He ran as fast as he could across the track as ice started to come under his feet,no problem for him though,as he simply breaks the ice under his feet when he steps.He sees a bunch of robots from the entrance exam block his path,including the giant one.He breaks through their bodies like their paper.
Aizawa(thinking)Is he even stronger than before?
He gets to a long jump part and clears it easily.He then approaches a suspicious looking track at the end.
Symbiote:It's time.
Izuku:I guess it is.
Izuku's back starts to grow red and black wings.

Izuku:Let's flyIzuku flies across the suspicious field as he gets to the finish line

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Izuku:Let's fly
Izuku flies across the suspicious field as he gets to the finish line.
Everyone cheers for Izuku as other students start to catch up.Apparently the field was riddled with mines.
Midnight:Now then,the next round...A team Calvary BATTLE!!
Midnight showed that the points were on headbands given to people based on their position in the race.Izuku got the most.Other classes started to look at him before they remembered just who he is.They definitely don't want to be his targets.But then again,they wanted to win,so no one was on Izuku's team.
Symbiote:What's wrong Izuku?
Izuku:This just...brings back unpleasant memories.
Uraraka sees Izuku's back turnt to everyone. She goes to him to see if he's ok.Izuku prematurely turns around and surprises her.
Izuku:What's up uraraka?
Uraraka:Oh!I just wanted to see if you wanted to team up.
Izuku:I'd like that,but who else are we getting?
???:How about me?!

Mei:I'm Mei Hatsume,and I'd love for you to use my babies?She shows a handful of technology

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Mei:I'm Mei Hatsume,and I'd love for you to use my babies?
She shows a handful of technology.Izuku sees this as an opportunity and lets her join.
Symbiote:I have an idea.Pick Fumikage.
Izuku goes to Fumikage and he agrees to join the team.The match starts as barely anyone actually goes for Izuku in fear.2 teams however,aren't that smart,Bakugo and todoroki's teams.Iida tries to take todoroki's team to victory by snatching Izuku's headband as Bakugo goes headfirst for the "kill" but neither are successful when Izuku does this.

Iida tries to take todoroki's team to victory by snatching Izuku's headband as Bakugo goes headfirst for the "kill" but neither are successful when Izuku does this

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Everyone's shocked by the quickness of the attack and the damage it dealt.Bakugo is sent flying into his team,knocking them over. Todoroki's team is scattered across the field.
Fumikage:Dark shadow!
The shadowy beast reached out for the headbands sent flying off the targets heads.
Symbiote:Now that we've displayed our power.
Izuku:No one'll even think of coming at us.
Mei:Finally!Someone else who talks to themselves in public!
Uraraka:Now what?
Izuku:Now we secure our win.
The symbiote covers the technology and allows the team to blitz around,stealing even more headbands,if it wasn't for midnight calling time,they would've had them all.Ojiro had forfeited,saying he feels like he didn't earn it.
Before the final round,todoroki brought Izuku to a hallway,just the 2 of them.
Izuku:What is it?
Todoroki:I want you to know that I still won't back down.I now know that I have no chance.
Izuku:You would if you us-
Todoroki:If I used his quirk?
Izuku:Endeavor,the number 2 hero.He did something,didn't he?He hurt you,someway.
Todoroki was surprised at how fast Izuku connected things.
Todoroki:You could say that.
Todoroki told Izuku the story of his childhood. He was abused by his father while his mother couldn't/didn't help him.How his brother died.
Izuku:We're so sorry to hear that.
Todoroki:We?Either way,I don't even want to turn him in.I want nothing to do with him.All I want is to prove that I don't need him,his power,to achieve my dream.
Izuku and todoroki leave the hallway.Izuku faces the mysterious boy known as Shinso.
Shinso:Don't you think your friends kinda lame to ta-
Before Shinso can utter another word.Izuku conjures his suit and punches Shinso in the jaw so hard he knocks him out the ring.
Izuku:NEVER talk about him like that.
Shinso(thinking):He almost took my jaw clean off.This is the black beast?This is class 1-A?
The rounds would proceed as normal.
Now it was what everyone was waiting for.

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