Something to believe in

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Izuku arrived back at the U.A dorm to say his goodbyes.He opens the door and sees no one's there,granted it is night time.He quietly makes his way to his room to see it cracked open.He peaks to see

He peaks to see

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He quietly opens the door,trying not to frighten her.
Ochako gasped,and instantly covered her mouth as not to make any loud sounds.She stared to whisper.
Uraraka:It's you.
She ran and hugged Izuku.
Izuku:It's good to see you uraraka,but why are you in my room?
Ochako:After the internships,we were all quickly sent home because of some jail break.I came here to see you...but you were gone still. And then I saw the news about todoroki's brother.
Izuku:Where is everyone?
Ochako:They all were allowed to try and take down the villains.I waited here for you...because I knew you'd come back.
Izuku finally notices the paper in her hand.
Izuku:What's that?
Ochako:Before I answer that,I wanna ask YOU something.
Izuku:What is it?
Ochako:Why...don't you trust us?
Izuku:What do you mean?
Ochako:Every time there's a threat, you head out on your own.You leave us all behind.You don't have any faith in anyone.Not us,not the pro heroes.
Izuku:All my life I looked up to heroes.But one day,they couldn't help me.They couldn't help Bakugo either.The more and more this year progressed,the more I realized I could do things they couldn't do.And the reason I don't work with you guys is because...I'm scared.You guys are the first friends I've had in a long time.I don't want to lose you,any of you.
Ochako cups Izuku's cheek in her hand.
Ochako:I don't want to lose you either.You want to know what this note is?At first when I realized how I felt about you,I wanted to keep it all in.But the more you charge me ahead,the more I realized...I might not have the time to EVER say it.
She drops the note.
Ochako:Izuku...I love you.
Izuku was shocked.Before he knew it,tears came out of his eyes,not once has anyone besides his mom say that to him.He couldn't control his emotions.
Izuku:I-I-I love you too!
They hugged and embraced each other.And then...

(Credits to the artist,I couldn't find their name)They kissed

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(Credits to the artist,I couldn't find their name)
They kissed.
Uraraka:What now?

Uraraka:What now?Izuku:Now

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