The class prez/becoming famous

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Izuku heads to U.A,and nothing seems different from before then.
Aizawa:Now class,today we'll pick your class president and their assistant.
Everyone votes.Izuku and Momo are picked. Izuku:You guys voted for me?
Uraraka:You definitely seemed the most capable.
Mineta:After seeing all the crazy things you do, it'd just be dumb to not let you lead.
Fumikage:You are intelligent and strong,I cannot think of a better fit.
An alarm sounds as tons of classes run into the halls.Class 1-A's about to do the same as Izuku uses his tendrils to hold the door shut.
Izuku:Guys,just look outside.
He points to the window as the students see a bunch of reporters trying to get into the school. Izuku:Iida,uraraka,use your quirks to get Iida in the air so he can announce the false alarm.
Shoji:But what'll you do?
Izuku:Simple...We'll give them a show.
Izuku summons the suit and breaks through the window.
Aizawa:Izuku wait!
It was too late,the reporters were shocked and terrified as some of them even pissed themselves at the sight.For days they had heard legends of a black beast at U.A high school.They connected the dots with the U.S.J incident.And now they've seen it.The beast who destroyed a building sized robot.The one who defeated a villain that all might said he struggled with.He's there,and he's coming towards them.They all run off out of the school grounds.
Present Mic:Well...that did it,thanks kid!
Izuku:No problem
He heads through the broken window into class.He sees Aizawa glaring at him.
Izuku:Did I do something wrong sensei?
Aizawa:Where do I eve-I-I just...I don't care anymore,just don't do something like that again ok?
Izuku:I'll try
Aizawa(thinking):Oh great,he'll try.Ugghhhh
Aizawa:Alright class,in 2 weeks we'll have our yearly sports festival.Your going to compete against the other classes and even each other.
Aizawa leaves the classroom for a teacher meeting about the festival as the students go to see their doorway blocked by other students.
Monoma:Well,these are the class 1-A students who fended off the villains.Don't seem like much.
Bakugo:Says the extra who isn't in the top class.
Izuku:Guys,cool it,can you please let us through?
Mineta:YEAH!Don't mess with our black beast. He'll kick all your butts.
The students look at Mineta and then back at Izuku.THIS boy is the black beast?
Monoma:Oh please,you expect us to believe-

THIS boy is the black beast?Monoma:Oh please,you expect us to believe-

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Everyone immediately moves out the way for him.No one,not even hotheads or people with envy want to mess with him.Rumors were normal for teenagers at high schools yes,but at a hero school?Plus the principal's confirmation,no one would take any chances.
The day ends.
Izuku:Alright buddy,you ready?
Symbiote:Yes,I can't believe we found it.
You may have forgotten readers,but a few parts ago I mentioned how the symbiote wanted the meteor it crashed into the planet with.And Izuku promised to help him find it.The news had been talking about some "showcase" by a company called Detnerat.The symbiote believes that the meteorite could be there.
They wait until night,they use the symbiotes ability to camouflage to sneak past every form of security.Undetected,he finds it...the meteorite.Before taking it out he covers it to make it seemingly disappear.He waits until he's out of site and then goes to a safe place he knows,the beach.He makes it there and now makes full physical contact with the meteor.He feels a surge of power as the symbiote feels a surge of comfort.
Izuku:We're so much stronger now!
Symbiote:I cannot thank you enough for this Izuku,I am eternally grateful.
Izuku:I should be thanking you,your the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Izuku and the symbiote head to their home. Well,now it's the symbiotes home too.Him and Izuku,their friendship will last for years to come.
(Also quick question,do y'all want the suit to change or ?nah If yes then it'll change the next part and if not we'll just stick with that suit until...the point,no spoilers tho.🤫)

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