The calm

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Anti-Venom charges at All for one as he sends an energy blast at the beast,but when it makes contact with anti-venom,it dissolves.
All for one:What?
He's tackled down as he feels a burning sensation all over his body,anti-venom lifts him up and begins to rapidly punch him in the face over and over,he tries to free himself from the beast's grip,but to no avail.It's like he's getting weaker.
All for one(thinking):My brawn boost quirks aren't working,I can feel them leaving me.Wait is he-?
All for one dives into his subconscious,he sees presences fading.
All for one:This is worse than I thought.He's not taking my quirks,he's destroying them! Erasing them from my body!
All for one's body starts to return to normal colors.
All for one:No!WAIT!STOP!!
For the first time in a long time.All for one starts to panic,his mask tears and breaks,he continues to panic as he loses every single quirk he's gathered,even his own original quirk.and after one more punch,anti-venom drops the now powerless villain.All for one's body slowly grows skinny and grey as wrinkles grow all over his body.He grows weaker with every breath.
All for one:Tomura...I..willl....retuuuuurn.
Anti-Venom:I'll be ready.
A news helicopter shines a light on Anti-Venom.He grows wings and flies up to it.He puts his hand out,gesturing to the mic.The news woman gives it to him.He points to the camera as he says.
Anti-Venom:Your next
The civilians cheer for Anti-Venom.Although they aren't sure of everything,they are sure that they have a protector.Pro heroes Mount lady,Best jeansist and gang orca arrive on the scene.
Mt Lady:Who is that?
Beast jeansist:He seems like the boy from U.A.
Gang orca:Are you Izuku Midoriya?
The now white symbiote retracts into the boy's school uniform.'s me.
Best jeansist:Is he...
Izuku:Yes...he's dead.
All might lands and goes towards Izuku.He prepares for all might to scold him,but instead-
the hero hugs him.
Izuku:Your no-
All might:Of course I'm mad dammit!But...I'm also eternally grateful to you.You took down the villain who killed someone very close to me.Someone who I wasn't sure I could beat this time.So...thank you my boy.
Aizawa descended and approached Izuku.
Aizawa:We're going to need to take you with us tomorrow morning.It's about time the "black beast" said hi to his fans,don't you think?
Izuku:That would be nice.
The day ended with a victory for everyone, except for him.For tomura,it was a horrible day.The man who took him in,the one who helped him embrace himself,was now...dead.
Tomura:I'll kill them...kill them all.If it's the last thing I do...I'LL KILL THEM ALL!!!
Izuku was in his bedroom.
Izuku:Symbiote?Ya still there?
Symbiote:Yes...I'm here.
Izuku:What happened?With us,I mean.
Symbiote:We were able to absorb the energy blast.It changed us.
The next morning started.Izuku was to have a live interview.He was picked up by the his teacher and vlad king,the teacher of class 1-B.
He manifested the suit on the way there.
Vlad king:So,I hear your quirk got upgraded.
Anti-Venom:Sort of,I absorbed the energy of All for one's energy blasts.It powered me up.
Aizawa:We're here.
Anti-venom looks outside.There's millions of people outside,waiting.
Anti-Venom:Is this actually all of Japan?!
Aizawa:Nearly,everyone's excited to hear the story about the "black beast".Well now it's more "white beast."
They get out the car and head out and instantly,tons of questions,camera flashes and cheers flood the area.
Anti-Venom:One at a time please!
Everyone grew silent and raised their hands.He randomly picked one by one.
Reporter 1:What is your power?
Anti-Venom:I don't have a name for my quirk but it enhances my strength,speed,durability, and stamina.It also can shape shift,regenerate injuries no matter how severe,and block mind control or other telepathic attempts.I also have sensory abilities.
Reporter 2:Why did you go after villains despite being a student?
Anti-Venom:After the multiple attempts that villains have made to hurt and or kill us,I felt that I needed to step up and do something.
Reporter 3:Do you feel others should follow in your footsteps?
Anti-venom:I'd request that if you can,you try your best to save others or yourself if no heroes can.
Reporter 4:Have you lost faith in pro heroes?
Anti-Venom:Honestly...yes I have.
Everyone then piled on with questions,anti-venom said nothing as he walked away back to the car.He and the teachers said nothing to each other.
Aizawa and Izuku goes to Izuku's house and see all might standing at the door.
Aizawa:We've got something else to do today.
We want to ask your mom something.
Izuku:Ask her what?
All might:You'll see.
Izuku lets them in and Inko freaks out a little about all might being in her house.
All might:We're implementing a dorm system and new building for the safety of our students. Basically,U.A's turning into something like a boarding school.
Inko:So my baby will be safer there?What happens if-
Izuku stands up and gestures towards his mom to follow him.
Izuku:I know what I'm about to ask you is nearly impossible,but I need you to make this choice without considering my safety.
Inko:Why would I do that?I love yo-
Izuku:I love you too,but honestly...I don't trust the heroes anymore to protect me,or even my classmates. don't want to go?
Izuku:I do...but not because I trust them.If anything I hate the idea of putting us all in one place.I don't care what security measure they have.
Inko:Then why?
Izuku:Because he's still out there.
Izuku:One of the villains who attacked us. Tomura shigaraki.All for one talked about him before he died.He also said he'd return.I think he has some plan involving shigaraki.I need to be ready,and going there...seems like the best way to do it.
Inko:But Izuku!You're not a pro hero!Leave this to them.
Izuku:I can't,it's become clear that they're incapable of protecting us.Please mom,just let me do this.
Inko:I hate this...but fine.
Izuku:Thanks mom.
He embraces her.Inko agrees to let Midoriya go to the dorm.3 days pass and the buildings ready.Izuku sees it and as impressed.Everyone else is also in awe over it. The day goes by as everyone unpacks.
Mina:Hey,I have an idea!Let's see whose room is the best.
Izuku:Can't join.I'm heading to bed,let me know who wins.
Denki:Aw that's no fun.
The day passes as Sato wins the best dorm room.The next day,Izuku has normal classes, up until the end of the day with a hero course class.The students follow their sensei into a gym.They meet the hero ectoplasm.

Ectoplasm:Today,you all will find a way to focus your power into a move!l

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Ectoplasm:Today,you all will find a way to focus your power into a move!l.Even think of a name for it if you can.
Everyone's doing well,except Izuku.He already has moves where he shapeshifts,and he barely needs it at that.What can he do?All might approaches him.
All might:Why not combine them?Your shapeshifting combined with your strength should make you unstoppable.
Anti-Venom:Combine them...that's it!
Anti-venom tries combining his strength with is tendrils,he practices lunges,blasts,and even projectiles.
(Basically symbiote blast,symbiote strike,anti venom bomb,and Anti-venom tempest.

(Credits to Xakon gaming for the video.Just watch if you need to SEE the moves.)
Kirishima:Damn!I can't see anybody beating you like that!
Anti-Venom:Thanks,I see you and Denki changed your costumes up a bit.
Denki:You bet!
At an abandoned warehouse.Shigaraki,toga, and Kurogiri were the only ones still active.
Tomura just sat and thought.
Toga:What should we do?
Kurogiri:Let him have time to himself.
Tomura:Alright,I've decided.Slowly but surely. We're going to rise back up.
Toga:How are we going to do that?
Shigaraki took his mask off.
Tomura:Tell me toga.What do you want?
Toga:I want to make friends,I do that by drinking blood.I want to meet and be so many people!
Tomura:Then trust me.

I want to meet and be so many people!Tomura:Then trust me

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Tomura:Trust me,and you can be whoever you want to be.

If deku had Insomniacs venom symbioteWhere stories live. Discover now