Chapter 1 - A New Beginning

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3rd Person POV

All the hermits were standing in the middle of the starter village next to a hole. 

- So Mumbo, what are we doing this season? -

Mumbo looks around the place confused, everyone is staring back at him, smiling. 

- Well, em? We have 2 new hermits! Pearlescentmoon and Geminitay. Welcome! -

Everyone welcomes them to the server. 

- What's happening, and what's new? - 

Joe asked, grinning. He knew what he was doing. Mumbo hadn't been in the meeting beforehand so he didn't know what was happening.

- Em? Well... Guys, you know I wasn't at the meeting! Why do you put me through this! -

Mumbo complained, getting flustered by the situation. Everyone erupted in laughter. Grian leaned into Mumbos side. Whispering.

- We will all be on one island, remeber. -

Mumbo nodded before turning to everyone.

- I have been informed that we're all living on one island, not multiple and there will be no shopping district! -

Everyone clapped for him. Proud that he had done something, even if it was all thanks to Grian. Mumbo leaned back over to Grian, thanking him. Grian laughed, ruffling Mumbos hair. 

Grian and Mumbo are really good friends and have been for many years. You would never see one without another, it was like they were joined by the hip. It was like they were soulmates. 

Everyone departed from spawn in the direction that they had chosen, Mumbo stayed with Grian as they chatted amongst themself. 

- So where will you be setting up base? -

Grian asked, he already sounded tired and it had only been 2 hours. He was curious on where Mumbo was going to live.

- I don't know, I was hoping to base near you though. If you get my jam -

Mumbo did pointer fingers at Grian as he said that last sentence. Grian chuckled.

- The dad jokes, you're not even a dad Mumbo! -

- I mean Grumbot last season.. -

Grian laughed, Mumbo joining in soon after. Grian fell slightly into Mumbo, he was quite tired from walking all day.

- Anyway, this is quite North and flat, want to live here? -

Grian asked, looking up at Mumbo. Nodding they walked closer to the plains. Grian placed a boat, the start of the new area. As a joke Mumbo placed one ontop. Laughing Grian spotted his sister Pearl walking past the plains. 

- PEARL!! -

He yelled running up to her, he hadn't seen his sister in a wee while, ever since his parents broke apart he had never really seen her much, so he was happy that she managed to get onto the server as an escape. 

- Oh Gri! I missed you! -

They embraced in a hug for a minute or two.

- How are you doing Moon?

Grian asked, moon was her nickname that he gave her when they were young. Before their parents had broke apart. Grian looked up at his little sister who was sadly taller than him.

- I'm great, happy I'm out of the house -

She rolled her eyes, Grian laughing slightly. He knew how much she had gone through with their parents not being very good to them as children. He always made sure she was safe, he acted like the parental figure half the time.

- did you get any scratches from walking here? -

Grian looked at her arms and ankles to make sure she didn't get hurt on her way here.

- Gri, I'm fine. You don't have to parent me anymore. I'm old enough to move out so I think I'm old enough to walk around an area without being harassed -

She glared at Grian in a jokingly way, him laughing as he did so. Mumbo curiously started to walk over.

- Hello Pearl, sorry about earlier they just love to throw me into the deep end at times. I'm Mumbo -

He stuck his hand out for her to shake which she did willingly.

- Well I'm Pearl, even though you already knew that. I'm Grians younger sister -

Mumbo looked down at Grian, putting his hands into his trouser pockets.

- So this is the sister you like to talk about, you both do look similar -

Grian slowly started to walk backwards, feeling embarrassed on how Mumbo had just outed him to his own sister. Mumbo wasn't having any of this malarkey so grabbed Grians shoulder before he got too far away and gently guided him back to were he and Pearl where standing. Pearl stared at the 2 before slowly backing away. 

- I'll be off, trying to find a base and everything! Byeee -

Everyone said their goodbyes but not for long.

Grian and Mumbo talked for a wee while as Mumbo set up a carrot farm. Grian walked over ruffling Mumbos hair again as seen as he was kneeling to plant the crops.

- I do wonder why you ruffle my hair -

Mumbo said looking up at Grian. Grian being completely caught off guard went beet red. 

- it's.. I don't know, your hair is just fun? To ruffle? -

Grian didn't know why either, he just loved to do it for the fun of it. 

A couple hours later

Mumbo and Grian were having a little chit chat next to the boat tower when another boat had randomly appeared ontop. 

- Hm, who placed that? -

Mumbo questioned, to his surprise Scar was here.

- Howdy, I hope you don't mind me coming to live in the same area? -

- me 2 -

A voice which was identified as Impulse could be heard

- me 3 -

And last but not least Pearl. She was unsuccessful in her journey so decided to come back, to be with her overprotective brother.

Next thing you know 5 boats are stacked ontop of eachother, Grian, Mumbo, Pearl, Impulse and Scar. The new friend group of 5. Every single one ready to start their adventure together in the place they called Boatem.

(971 words, a new beginning! Dedicated to my friend called Virty who basically begged me to write this. Will be slow at first but yeah I hope you enjoy! And if you've read my first book, welcome back! Hope everyone will enjoy their time here, whether that's a short or long time. Schedule will be every Sunday and maybe Wednesday if I have something ready. ~ Sculk)

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