7 - Salt meets water

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"Should I even bother on asking you why was Odair talking to you, girl?" Haymitch asked

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"Should I even bother on asking you why was Odair talking to you, girl?" Haymitch asked. He, Jamie, Effie and I were on the elevator up to our floor which, for once, was the better one out of all of those in the tribute centre.

"Not a big deal really, I think he was just messing with me" I deflected.

"Well, next time if any mentor for some reason talks to any of you don't talk back. They are probably scouting any weaknesses their tributes may benefit from" he said looking rather angry at me. I focused my gaze on the floor as I registered his words as true. Haymitch was one of the oldest winners alive who still mentors, he has done so, to both female and male tributes, for quite a few years already as none else from District 12 has been even close to winning since Second Quarter Quell. Disregarding his words would be a death sentence but I knew cutting off Finnick may still not be a good choice. He has a lot of contacts and possible sponsors and it is not the first time a mentor sponsors another District. A long shot but who knows, if for some reason he finds me even remotly amusing I will try use that to my favor. The elevator comes to a halt.

"You two should rest before training tomorrow. If it's too hard ask the avox for a pill it will help with the nightmares" Jamie and I nod. "Goodnight everyone" said Effie. Everyone goes to their quarters and so do I not after seeing Haymitch snatch another bottle from the bar counter. 


The room seems like a bigger version of the train one. I quickly take a shower or at least try to as I had more trouble than with the train one. After some time I come out smelling like sea salt, or least I think that's the scent of sea salt. I put on some silk pijamas and went into bed but failed to fall asleep for over half an hour as flashbacks of the Reaping kept coming to my mind. I decided on following Effie's trick and went outside to find an avox for the sleeping pill. The foyer and the enormous living room were empty and now I've realised I don't quite know how to find the service. I keep wandering around the floorplan of our District but didn't quite manage anything but to lose time. The only thing missing to try was the elevator, which after ringing I get inside of. The only buttons lightened up were 12, 13, 0 and -1. So our floor, base and training room but 13? I was guessing it was the service room, and if it wasn't but was still accesible I won't be in trouble for getting there. After all, they've blocked other floors so we could not kill eachother so I'm guessing there is nothing that can kill me in floor 13. I press it. 

The elevator doesn't take more than than a couple seconds to reach the floor 13 which turns out to be a terrace rather than the service floor. Maybe some fresh air is what I need. I go towards the edge just to see a faintly lit up net after the edge, I smirk. They knew some tributes would try to jump. I sit on a bench and cover myself with a blanket while I watch the skyline that had caught my attention since seeing it over the train. The light pattern on the windows would never cease to entretain me. I wish the building were trees right now, the familiarity was lacking in this place.

A figure sits on the other end of the bench making it creak slightly. I wip my head to the stranger just to find Finnick Odair had joined me. We stay silent in for a bit after which he talks.

"No one comes up here ever. But I'm kind of glad you did 12" I nod not willing to engage much just as Haymitch to me to. I examine his profile as his eyes are still on the buildings in front, he extends the glass on his hand over to me. I move my head side to side not acepting the drink. "It's not poison, just a bit of tea" he takes a sip to prove his point.

"Thanks" I mutter while taking the cup from his hands and taking a sip of it. The minty flavour takes over my tongue as we stay in silence for another bit.

"I stand my ground. I bet my hands you are the wild card out of all of them" 

"You are delusional, also that doesn't make me winner material"

"I'm sure you have something going on for you but you would never admit that to me. However that is not the reason I'm talking to you"

"What is it then 4?"

"That exactly"

"What?" I cock my head to the side in confussion. He finally turns to look at me.

"You are the only person in the entire building who dares to talk to me on a one on one level, I knew you would since you held my stare at the parade"

"You are just picking on me Odair. This isn't a conversation. If you want one, I bet other people would be willing to pay thousands for that"

"They would but they just talk trivialities which I'm not interested in"

"I don't do any different"

"You do, firstly no one would even try to deny nothing I say, you have done so in every interaction we've had"

"That's just because I'm a senseless person" he laughs. Even his laugh is melodic, who taught charisma to this man? 

"Maybe you are. I like it still"

"Don't get attached to me Odair" I spit bitterly.


"In case you've forgotten I will be dead in about 4 days" his green eyes turn darker but he stays silent. "I believe it's time to get going I don't want to fall asleep in training. Good night, Finnick"

"Goodnight Andrómeda" I don't bother to look back at him as I knew he would be watching me and I didn't wish to meet his gaze for the millionth time today.


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