5 - so happy in the jungle

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The next two days were full of chaos; Dogmeat and I made quite the scrambling team. I had gone to some abandoned bunker for a piece of tech that does God-knows-what for Haylen, retrieving it after having to unlock several doors, hack too many terminals, and kill countless ferals. Then Rhys had me clear out a small apartment complex of Super Mutants; my main advantage was the sheer number of missiles I set out with, imploding the building around them so that the falling debris did most of the job. I didn't exactly mess around when it came to Mutants; the quicker you could take 'em out from afar, the better. 

I returned battered, bruised, and exhausted, yet with a satisfied look on my face. Can't wait to see what Rhys thinks after all that.

Haylen thanked me for the tech retrieval, going to notify Danse at once. I made my way over to Rhys who had his back turned to me despite knowing full well I was there.

"I told you, I don't wanna see your face til it's done," he grumbled, sipping his coffee.

"Well you might as well turn around now, because it is done," I replied, causing him to glance back in curiosity.



"I'll ask you again, soldier." He stood up, facing me with narrowed eyes. "Is the mission done? Completely?"

"Affirmative," I stated firmly, meeting his eyes and pushing down the insult that threatened the tip of my tongue.

The slightest smirk curved the corner of his lip, eyes darting around me with disdain. "...What a surprise," he mumbled. "Maybe you've got what it takes after all."

I began to think of various ways to say "thanks" or "I won't let you down" that wouldn't be too desperate or fake, perhaps with a dash of venomous sass, but he beat me to it.

"Before you say anything, you haven't earned my respect yet, Initiate." He crossed his arms. "Clearing out some Super Mutants doesn't make you Brotherhood material. You have to earn it — blood, sweat, tears, and loyalty. Devotion to something bigger than yourself. Something a Wastelander like you would never be used to. Do you understand?"

"Loud 'n clear," I replied, gritting my teeth to stop myself from saying something else.

"Alright." He settled his arms back down at his sides. "Paladin Danse would like to speak with you since both of your missions are complete. But the work here isn't done yet; as soon as you're able, come back here to get your next assignment." He waved his arm in the direction of where the Paladin must be.

"Roger that." I managed a placating smile that didn't reach my eyes and headed for one of the rooms down the hall. "...Paladin Danse?"

Danse glanced over at me, a positive look on his face. "Welcome back. I heard the reports from Haylen and Rhys — even he didn't have much negative to stay. You've done well, soldier."

I smiled, dipping my head in response. I could already tell that a genuine compliment from this man was well-earned, so I let myself revel in it for just a moment.

"I've got another mission for you, if you're ready."

"Ready," I echoed, straightening up. Anything it takes.

"Outstanding." The Paladin turned to fully face me, face settling back into its usual stone-cold look as he began to describe the mission.

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