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A phone rang in the otherwise silent firehouse.

Egon leaned back from his chair to peek out the door of the lab. "Janine, phone call." He yelled into the empty station.

"It's her day off, remember? Can you get it I'm- kinda in the middle of something" Ray yelled from underneath Ecto 1 as he tinkered away.

"Oh.... right." muttered Egon under his breath as he stood from his chair. Sighing, he walked to the phone and sat at the desk. He really should be working on further perfecting the proton packs or experimenting with the trap's max capacity and possible weakpoints, but lately he couldn't focus like he usually could.

In fact, usually while working he would be in such a deep focus he wouldn't even notice the phone ring.

"Ghostbusters." he said, picking up the phone.

"Oh Dr. Spengler, hi." said a familiar voice. "It's y/n l/n."

"Oh. Miss l/n. Hello." he said, slightly shocked but not showing any of it in his voice.

"You can just call me y/n." she said, giggling slightly.

"Likewise." said Egon, repressing a smile.

"You want me to call you y/n?" she said teasingly.

Egon exhaled quickly. "A laugh?" y/n thought to herself.

"I meant you can call me Egon. Anyways, why the call, did you find something?"

"I did, took awhile but I was able to find a brief mention of Zuul in a book on ancient cult religion. Nothing major, just in a footnote on Mesopotamian idol worship. I've found a few other books and essays on the subject that may have more information, should I- bring them over?"

"Bring them over?" said Egon, confused. He was surprised she'd be willing to go to that effort.

"Yeah, bring them to the firehouse? So you can have a look at them?"

"Oh! Yes, yes that would be uh- good."

"Does tomorrow afternoon work? I get off pretty early tomorrow."

"Yes that does work, let me get you the address um-" Egon says as he notices Peter walking down the stairs. "Ok. Ok, see you tomorrow. Bye." Egon puts the phone on the receiver.

"That didn't happen to be that cute librarian from before, was it?" Peter said in his usual cheeky tone.

Egon only looked back at Peter.

"Ray told me she's doing some research on Zuul, and it sounds like she found something. Which means I've got an excuse to see Dana again," Peter cheered.

Egon rolled his eyes.

"Don't get your hopes up, she only found a mention of Zuul in a footnote, there's still work to do." He said as he started towards the lab.

"More work huh." said Peter. "Sounds like you'll get to spend some more time with her then," said Peter putting his hands on Egon's shoulders.

"She's just dropping off some literature."

"Well make sure it doesn't end there!" said Ray coming out from under the hearse.

"Oh God, this again," Egon said. "Where is this coming from anyways, I've barely spoken to her."

"She seems to enjoy talking to you," said Ray.

"Also if I remember correctly, you have a thing for (y/h/c)'s" adds Peter.

"Spengs, think about it, we don't meet many women who will give us the time of day so-"

"You don't meet many women period," says Peter, interrupting Ray.

"So," Ray starts again, glaring at Peter, "you should take advantage of the fact that you met, organically, an intelligent, beautiful woman who seems to have taken a liking to you."

"She's just being nice, maybe she has difficulty refusing favors." Egon retorts.

"She's doing research for us to be nice?"

"She did seem somewhat interested in the paranormal, maybe she wants to learn more. Plus she is a librarian, it's practically her job."

"We aren't paying her though."

Egon turns toward them. Ray and Peter glance at each other, smirking, knowing they've struck a nerve. "She's a very nice girl, which is exactly why I think she's just being polite by humoring me- I mean us- and after she drops off the books that will be the end of it. Now, I need to get some work done." said Egon, shutting the lab door.

"Wonder how this is gonna end," said Ray. "$20 bucks it goes nowhere," laughed Peter. "You're on."

Alone in the lab, Egon tries to focus on soldering a part in the proton pack. He sets down the soldering iron.

Why did he feel so anxious?

There have been a lot of changes in his life lately, that was probably it. Maybe the unreliable pay? Egon had never been especially worried about money but possibly.

Suddenly Y/n popped into his head. He should probably organize the lab a bit before tomorrow.

Egon smacked himself in the face and got back to work. "I hate those guys," Egon said to himself as he resumed soldering, feeling slightly embarrassed.

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