She Blinded Me With Science

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This chapter is a bit longer >.< hope none of you mind. And thank you for all of the nice words!

Egon walked back into the lab and y/n followed. "I guess I'll get started on this one," he said, picking up one of the books.

"I'll continue where I left off in this one," said y/n as she put on her reading glasses, something that caught his attention.

There was silence as the two read. They'd been reading for about 20 minutes but all Egon could focus on was whether or not he should start a conversation. Would that distract her? What should he say? Egon racked his brain for any possible conversation topic as he flipped through the pages, scanning for something pertinent. He was desperately trying not to look at y/n which made it even harder not to.

He caved and slightly turned his eyes up from his book to see her chin resting on her hand, eyes glued to the pages. Her hair was falling over her face and she gently tucked it behind her ear.

"How did it go? The call you were just on I mean." said y/n barely glancing up from her book.

"Oh it.. Went well." said Egon, snapping back to reality. "It was just a free-roaming vaporous apparition, partial torso, at a restaurant in Chinatown," said Egon.

"Was it difficult? Or as scary as the ghost in the library?" asked y/n interested.

"It was pretty standard in terms of difficulty but no, I wouldn't say the experience was as intense as at the library" replied Egon.

"That's good then," nodded y/n.

And just like that the conversation had ended. Egon slightly cringed inside, he should've kept the conversation going somehow. Another 30 minutes or so passed by but it felt like hours.

"So, you enjoy reading I assume?" finally asked Egon.

"I would hope so, I do work at a library," joked y/n. "Yes I enjoy reading, do you read a lot?"

"Print is dead," said Egon.

"But- Yes, I do." he said, recovering the conversation. "I mostly read studies or scientific journals for my own research, especially while I was at the university, I don't often read works of fiction."

"It seems that you enjoy reading about the occult, although I guess that is for research.."

"It is but I do enjoy it. I can- lend you some books if you're interested."

"Oh I would like that! It will help me better understand y- what you guys do." y/n stuttered.

"I'll give you some books before you leave today," said Egon.

The conversation trailed off but the silence was becoming more comfortable. The two continued to read, not much conversation between them, for another 45 minutes.

"Wait hold on... I think I found something," said y/n excitedly. Egon immediately stood up and rushed over to y/n, standing over her shoulder as she pointed to a passage.

"Zuul was a demi-god worshiped by the Hittites, Mesopotamians, and Sumerians circa 6000 BC. Zuul was said to be the minion of Gozer."

"Gozer hm..." said Egon, bending down to y/n's level for a closer look, causing y/n's heart to race faster.

"I think I saw a mention of them earlier," said y/n flipping through the pages. "Here. Gozer, a God that rules over the land of the dead, also referred to as Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Gozer the Traveler, Volguus Zildrohar or Lord of the Sebouillia." said y/n slightly turning her face towards him in shock.

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