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"So." said Egon as the two of you drove away. "You said you've been reading Tobin's Spirit Guide?"

"Oh yes! I only just finished chapter 2 though, it's very dense with information so-"

"Are you enjoying it so far?" said Egon, trying to hide his enthusiasm. It was one of his favorite books, he had entire passages memorized, but he didn't want to come off too strong like he was often told he did. Apparently it annoyed most people.

"Yes it's really interesting! I've actually been taking some notes." you said with a giggle.

Egon glanced at you out of the corner of his eye with fondness but quickly shifted his eyes back to the road. "I've also been known to do that. I gave you an extra copy which is probably easier to read because I haven't annotated it into oblivion.. Any passages that stuck out to you?"

"Hm.. well I just read about the Foundation Sacrifice. It actually reminded me a lot of The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe. But I just can't believe they buried people alive in the foundations of buildings as a sacrifice in hopes the building would remain standing longer! It's so cruel! It's no wonder their spirits curse the building's inhabitants."

"I agree, and the story about Hans Upp is especially compelling."

"Although I wonder if with a name like that he was destined for that fate." you said grinning, garnering a quick exhale from Egon.

"That's funny," he said.

You and Egon continued to chat like this about the book and some of Egon's personal experiences with the supernatural until he parked in front of your apartment.

"You could be an honorary ghostbuster." Egon said only half joking.

"Ha well I don't think I have the guts," you admitted.

"Still probably more than Venkman," he replied and you laughed.

"Well I'd better let you go so you can get the car back in time." you said, grabbing your purse. "Thank you for the ride and-"

"Uh y/n wait." said Egon quickly.

"W-what is it?" you said, turning to him, relieved that the dusk hid the blush rising to your cheeks.

Egon sighed, looking up at you. "I don't know what the extent of this PKE surge will be but I think it's going to be big so.. Just be careful ok? Stay away from any of the action you see on tv and definitely don't try to help us. It has the potential to be very dangerous."

"Oh, ok." you said lightly. Your heart swelled at his kindness and concern, but you couldn't help but feel disappointed with the want of something more. You glanced up at him, surprised to meet his dark brown eyes staring at you earnestly, causing you to flush more.

"I'll be careful." was all you managed to choke out.

"Good." he said, hushed, never breaking eye contact.

"Oh let me get the door for you." he said, hopping out of the driver's seat, something Winston had earlier advised him to do.

"Thank you," you said as he opened the door. "Good luck with everything Egon, goodnight," you said, quickly glancing up to him with a smile.

"Goodnight y/n." he said. He watched you get into your building before driving away.

He drove away and quickly stopped by a burger joint for the dinner the guys requested. He sighed as he hopped back into the car. He thought of your face earlier, how your eyes reflected the street lights, how your glowy skin was tinged with pink from the cold night air, how demurely you'd looked up at him-

"Aggghhhh." Egon buried his head into his hands which rested on the steering wheel. "This is bad. I never get like this." Egon whispered to himself, trying to regain his composure.

The rest of the ride to the station he was filled with regret for how he acted and pondered what he should've done instead.

"Perfect timing," Winston said as Egon got out of the car.

"And burgers! Nice!" said Ray, grabbing one out of the bag and stuffing it in his mouth. "By the way, any progress?" he said with his mouth full of food.

"Ray, nothing happened I was just taking her home," said Egon defensively.

"I meant about the PKE surge." he said causing Winston to chuckle. Egon's ears turned red as he grabbed a burger from the bag. "No, none."

"Well keep us posted, we'd better get going." said Ray, grabbing the nights worksheet and the bag filled with fries and a few more burgers as Winston loaded up the car. "I wonder if Venkman is having better luck than you."

Egon went back into the lab hoping to look at those blueprints he'd just gotten but was quickly interrupted by Janine.

"Oh, hi Janine." he said.

"Egon, the police are here to drop someone off."

"Hold on, let me grab my PKE reader."

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