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Thank you for all your nice comments! And I'm not giving too much background on what's happening in the story because I figure we've all seen the movie  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You walked into your apartment, turned on the lights, and set your stuff down on a nearby chair.


"Oh hi Didi." you said bending down to greet her. "Let me get your dinner." 

You flipped on your stereo, fed your cat, made yourself dinner, then sat down on the couch with a glass of white wine while reflecting on today's events. 

You liked Egon. You've realized you liked him.. a lot. 

But where are things supposed to go from here? You'd already helped them with their research, gotten the blueprints, you didn't have any excuses to see him again. You had the Ghostbusters phone number but had no reason to call. You wished you could be brave enough to just call for no reason. 

Or, that he would call you. 

You sighed. You'd keep thinking, or maybe ask your friend Diane, she always had men at her beck and call, maybe she could give you some realistic advice.

The next afternoon you sat at the front desk of the practically empty library. You couldn't focus on your tasks, only the ominous clouds forming outside. 

Was this the big thing Egon was talking about? 

"Y/N! Come in here!" your coworker Sandra called from the back. You walked into the break room to see Sandra and two of you other coworkers, Kelly and Greg, huddled around the small tv. 

"What's going on?" 

"There was an explosion downtown! At the Ghostbusters headquarters!" 

"An explosion!? Is anyone hurt?" 

"It seems like everyone is fine. But the ghosts are loose and are wreaking havoc on the city!" 

"Oh no...." you said. This was definitely the thing Egon was talking about. 

You wanted to talk to him. Should you go try to find him? You had no idea where he was. Maybe he needed help. 

"It's just a matter of time before we-" Greg started to say when you all turned at a loud noise coming from outside. 

"What was that?" said Sandra. You peeked out of the break room into the main hall but there was nothing to see. "Oh God... that librarian must be back." whispered Kelly. 

"I'll see if there's any other guests and bring them into the break room, you all stay here." You stepped out carefully, no guests to be seen. You started to peek through the aisles quietly, but to your relief no one was there. 

Suddenly a book fell behind you instantly giving you chills. Slowly you turn, only to see the ghost librarian from before, who was flipping through a book. 

"Oh- my God." you muttered under your breath, backing away. From what you understood, the ghost wasn't malevolent unless provoked. You slowly continued to back away hoping to turn into the next aisle and escape until you backed into- something. 

Well not something like an object, more like a presence, but it was palpable all the same. Your blood ran cold. Slowly you turned around to see a second ghost, one that resembled a student but only... much scarier. 

You froze. "Um" you said unintentionally. 

The creature instantly doubled in size, transforming into something unrecognizable and disgusting while releasing a horrible screech. 

You ran, but while turning the corner you slipped on the tile, falling to the ground. Scrambling to your feet, you ran towards the break room, your coworkers motioning for you to run faster. 

The spirit picked up an entire bookshelf and you only narrowly slid into the room, closing the door behind you before it lobbed the entire bookcase in your direction, slamming into the wall with a loud crash, decorations and books falling from the walls of the break room. 

You caught your breath, quickly reflecting on what had just happened. "Are you ok?!" chimed Sandra. "Yeah... I think so." you said, still panting from the excitement. You tried to open the door to no avail, it was blocked by the bookcase. 

"Oh no we're stuck in here!" cried Sandra. 

"Not like we want to be out there with them." said Greg, gesturing out the door. 

"Let's just... stay here for a while until things quiet down. Then we can see if the coast is clear. We have a phone, we can call 911 if we still can't get out." you said deliberately. 

And so, the four of you sat in the break room trying to waste some time and stay calm. To your surprise, there wasn't a single sound from outside, you chuckled imagining the librarian and student sitting to read a book. Who were they in life? What happened to them? You couldn't help but wonder.

"Look! The Ghostbusters!" cried Kelly, who had been glued to the TV. 

On the TV, the Ghostbusters had gathered in front of an apartment building surrounded by crowds of people, cheering. "What were they doing?" you wondered, sure it was a bad idea. 

Suddenly the street beneath them cracked, like during an earthquake, sending people and cars in every direction. 

You let out a visceral gasp as all 4 of the men fell into the pit that had just opened. It felt like your heart had stopped and you were left sitting there with your hands covering your mouth in shock. you sat in disbelief for seconds that felt like hours. 

"They're alive!" someone off camera cheered as the 4 managed to climb out of the rubble. Only when you saw all four of their faces did your heart rate finally return to normal. 

Then they dusted themselves off and went into the building. The building that was surrounded by ominous clouds and lightning where the ground itself had just opened up. Seemed like a good idea. 

You plopped yourself on the ground next to Kelly, now glued to the screen as well. You'd never felt this nervous in your entire life, like your heart was in your throat. Egon and all of the other guys were out there, risking their lives, for everyone. 

You flashed back to last night, how sincere and adamant Egon's expression had been when telling you to stay safe, his eyes softening when you agreed. You could melt just thinking about it right now. They disappeared into the building and that was it. You didn't know if any of them would ever come out again.

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