Cold Hearted

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This was going to be the last chapter but it was in just too long so I split it into two parts, I apologize this is so much longer than I was expecting but I'm just having so much fun writing it lol.

After you head downstairs and joined the guys for a quick slice of pizza, you left for the night. You had no work left to do and Egon was being especially awkward, making the energy a little less fun than usual.

Right after you left, Ray folded his arms across his chest.

"So." he said, lifting an eyebrow.

Egon looked up at him, reaching for another slice. "So...?"

"So you still think you can just be colleagues? With Y/n I mean."

Egon sighed, pushing up his glasses to rub his eyes. "I-"

"Because based on what I just walked in on, I am not convinced. Sorry about that by the way. I did not expect you to actually make a move."

"Woah woah back up," said Winston, "What did I miss?"

"Oh just Egon and Y/n sharing a tender moment sweet enough to rot your teeth."

"Oh shut up," says Egon, causing Winston to chuckle as Ray dramatically feigns offense.

"I thought you guys were being more awkward than usual just now." joked Winston.

"I don't know what happened. I guess I just got carried away, swept up in the moment."

"Well whatever you did, keep doing it." said Winston.

"I can't let that happen" Egon thought to himself.

Days later and you were back at the firestation, sitting at the desk doing paperwork and watching snow fall through the tall windows, dancing in the light of the street lamps.

Work was as usual, except for the fact that Egon had been much more distant, practically ignoring you. Every time you spoke to him he only returned with one word answers, once even completely turning around and going the opposite direction after seeing you in the room.

This was different than his usual awkwardness, he was definitely avoiding you intentionally. Which hurt, more than you would care to admit. He was your favorite part of the job, you looked forward to seeing him everyday. And not just because he was so attractive.

Was it because of what happened in the lab last week? Had you made him uncomfortable? You decided to confront him and apologize, the last thing you wanted was for him to feel like that.

You huddled up into your coat, leaving the warmth of the space heater which sat at the desk and moved towards the kitchen to begin brewing some coffee. You took a deep breath, trying to summon every ounce of courage as you knocked lightly on the door to his office.

"Come in." He said. You pushed the door open.

"Oh-" he said, immediately straightening up.

"I brewed too much coffee and I thought you might like some," you said gently, setting the mug on his desk. "One cream and 5 sugars, right?"

"Oh yes, um thank you" he said blushing, avoiding eye contact and moving back to his work. You sighed.

"Egon, listen, I think we should-"

"Y/N? What are you still doing here?!" Ray said peeking his head in from the hall.

"What do you mean I'm scheduled till-"

"Didn't you hear about the blizzard? All public transport is gonna be shut down and the roads will be impossible. Winston and Venkman went straight home after their bust almost an hour ago!"

"Oh gosh- Well thanks for telling me earlier Ray."

"Sorry, I thought you knew," he said with a shrug.

You ran down to the garage door, the other two trailing behind you.

"Maybe it's not that bad. They always exaggerate these storms." Ray said, swinging open the door to reveal already 8 inches of snow.

"Oh." he said flatly.

"What should I do? I took the subway today."

"Just stay here for the night! There's plenty of room." You looked at Ray, glanced to Egon then back to Ray.

"I have an idea, I'll drive Ecto and you lightly shoot your proton wand out the window to melt all the snow as we go."

"That is a very dangerous idea." interrupts Egon.

"It does sound pretty cool though," jokes Ray. "But Y/n seriously just stay here. We have extra toothbrushes, blankets, everything. You can take Venkman's bed, he rarely uses it if that's what you're worried about."

You cringed at the idea of sleeping in the same room with both of them, especially because of how Egon was acting.

"I'll just take the couch in the lab."

"What? That thing is tiny!"

"Your beds are not that much bigger." you joked.

"You've got a point. But Egon will likely be in the lab till the wee hours of the morning so I doubt you'd get any sleep. But wherever you're comfortable." he said grinning.

You paused, then took a deep sigh. "I guess the bed will be fine." you said reluctantly.

"I'll show you where we keep the extra linens and toiletries," he said, guiding you down the hall, and away from Egon who returned to his office.

"Ray um.. Can I ask you something?"

"That whole thing about my ghost dream isn't true, I swear."

"Not that, what I was wondering is.. Well do you think Egon has been acting strange these past couple of days?"

"Oh.. you noticed."

"Of course I noticed, he practically ran away from me yesterday. Has he mentioned it at all? Did I do something to offend him?"

Ray sighed and looked down at you compassionately. "Listen, y/n, Spengler is...he's slow to warm up to people and is easily scared off. I blame it on his parents. I think he feels like he did something wrong so now he's going to avoid the situation at all costs."

"By 'the situation' do you mean the other night when-"


You paused, thinking. Ray put his hand on your shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up kid, you did nothing wrong. He just has some things he needs to realize on his own and no matter how much we try to convince him, he's not going to listen. But I think if you gave him a push he might."

"Thanks. That was very cryptic advice." you said causing Ray to chuckle a bit. "But really, thank you. I appreciate you more than you know."

"No thank you, Spengs seems so much happier lately, trust me. And you know you can always talk to me about anything."

You nodded, a big smile on both of your faces. Ray always made you feel comfortable, the two of you were like siblings.

Suddenly the sound of Egon clearing his throat drew you away. You blushed, hoping he hadn't heard anything.

"Raymond, should we continue our work from earlier in the lab?"

"Oh sure- Y/n let me know if you need anything,"

"Ok, well I'll probably be up for awhile but do you guys have any spare pajamas? I don't really want to sleep in a skirt and tights so.."

Ray and Egon stared blankly at you, then each other then a smirk spread across Ray's face.

"No but I think we can find something for you." he said, making his way towards the bedroom.

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