Everybody Wants to Rule The World

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You didn't know how long passed, maybe an hour. It had grown extremely dark outside the break room window despite only being afternoon. 

Luckily the break room was well stocked with water bottles, some snacks, and a few cans of Coke. You and your coworkers sat in various places around the room chatting, although you could hardly join in. 

You remained in front of the tv waiting, hoping for some good news. You had been chased by a ghost and now your new colleagues had just gone into a building where a disaster of biblical proportion was about to unfold. Not an ideal situation. You slowly sipped on your Coke, eyes glued to the screen. 

"Y/n, you ok?" asked Kelly, bending to your level. 

"I think she's worried about that ghostbuster." Sandra said in a very loud whisper.

 "Ohhh" said Kelly hushed. "I seee" 

You stood up and walked to the corner of the room, stretching your arms above your head. "It's really not a big dea-" 

"STAY PUFT" shouted Greg, pointing at the tv. The rest of you rushed to the tv again. 

"What the hell?" was all you could say as you watched, stupefied, at the 100 foot marshmallow mascot walking through the city like Godzilla or something, stepping on anything in his path. 

A laugh of disbelief escaped you. "This is crazy!" you said under your breath. He strolled right through traffic causing people to abandon cars in the middle of the street and run away. 

"This room is looking better and better by the minute" said Sandra as he punched a building with his fluffy fist. "This news crew better get a raise, this footage is incredible" joked Greg. 

He was in the middle of stepping on a local church when streams of energy shot down from a tall nearby building. "The Ghostbusters!" Kelly cheered. They continued to shoot their proton streams at the monster and despite having caught fire, he began to scale the building. And continued to scale the building. 

Why weren't they shooting!? What was going on? 

You watched, frozen, when the tv and all the lights turned to black. 

"Noooo" you all yelled in frustration. The power was out. "There was probably some sort of accident and it caused an outage," you said as the four of you collectively began looking for a flashlight in various drawers. 

"Wait, do you guys hear something?" asked Kelly. It sounded like a thud followed by a grinding sound. 

The air vent on the ceiling fell to the floor but was followed by silence. 

"Maybe it's not a ghost? This building is pretty old," said Kelly optimistically. You cautiously stepped forward, pointing a flashlight into the vent. 

Without warning, a bulbous, blue blob stuck its head out. 

"Hmmrph" he groaned. He was chewing on something, a hunk of metal and a knot of wires hung from his mouth. 

"Ah he's kinda cute," Kelly said, voicing what you were all thinking. 

He swallowed and stared at you. "Uhhhhh..." was all you managed to say before he roared, revealing his entire body which was fat and wormlike, covered in maybe 6 or so fat stubby legs. 

The four of you ran to the door, which earlier you'd managed to wiggle somewhat free. You opened the door, and all weaseled through the bookcase that was still partially blocking the door. You closed the door and together quickly moved the bookcase in front of it again. 

Now you had to deal with the other two. You flashed around to see the librarian and student ghost sitting across the library but luckily they hadn't seemed to hear you. You began to tiptoe away when what sounded like a machine gun started behind you. 

The metal munching ghost was spitting metal rapidly at the door which was beginning to shatter open. Alarmed, the other two who looked up from their reading. 

"Run for the bathrooms!" You all began to run but the muncher had already escaped, spewing his homemade bullets behind you. There must be some sort of ghost alliance or something because the other two ran to his aid. You all made it into the bathroom unscathed, locked the door, and each of you sat hiding in individual stalls as the main door got pelted with bullets. 

"I don't think this is going to end in our favor!" Sandra yelled. 

"We can think of something!" You wracked your brain for anything. Any sort of knowledge you'd gained from Egon or the book he lent you. You didn't have any salt, know any spells, and you certainly didn't have a proton pack. 

"Sorry guys I've got nothing.." 

You envisioned Egon and the rest of the guys who were risking their lives for the safety of the entire world. How would they get out of this? 

The bullets delivered their final blow to the door which fell to the floor with a loud metal clang causing you to shudder. 

Then... nothing. Just silence. Suddenly what felt like a gentle wind blew through the bathroom and then again, silence. 

"Did...did they leave?" asked Kelly. You slowly opened the stall, peaking out, then stepping out completely. 

The bathroom was empty, all you saw was your reflection in the mirror, visibly frazzled and hair disheveled. You crept out of the bathroom and into the main hall where the windows revealed it was light once again. 

"Hey! Everyone!" You called. "It's over!" 

He is pretty cute you have to admit :p

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He is pretty cute you have to admit :p

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