I Keep Forgetting

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"Hygrocybe conica really aren't that rare, however they don't usually grow in the winter so it was quite the find, and the color was still a bright red. Usually they blacken with age, which is probably why they are popularly called witch's hats..."

You had just dropped off a few papers to the lab where Ray and Egon had been working and you'd joined the conversation. Egon was currently telling you about the newest addition to his fungi collection.

You studied Egon as he spoke, admiring his features, the perfect combination of strong and soft, which looked absolutely dreamy in the warm winter light coming through the windows as the sun began to set. You got butterflies when you saw that little gleam in his eyes and slight grin he got when rambling about something he was passionate about, which was really the only time he spoke more than a few words.

"That's enough bragging about your mushrooms, Spengler, I think you put Y/n to sleep."

You snapped out of your trance and looked up at Ray, who smirked knowingly. He had obviously caught you staring.

"Actually I found it quite interesting." you said timidly.

Almost two weeks had passed since you'd helped Egon with the paperwork. You had been worried that things would be more awkward between the two of you, that he would push you away after you got in his personal space, but that hadn't been the case.

You continued to chat like before, about books, science, ghosts, and engaged in even more playful banter.

"My apologies, I guess I was rambling.." he said.

You shot Ray an annoyed look.

"No- it really is interesting, I'd love to see your collection sometime."

Egon looked up at you, eyes lighting up despite his otherwise blank expression. Ray giggled and Egon timidly looked away, pushing up his glasses.

"I can show you anyti-"

"Y/N! You here?" You could hear Janine call from downstairs.

"I didn't know Janine was coming in today," Ray said.

"Oh it's already this late? Janine came in for me, I have somewhere to be." you said rushing out of the room and downstairs, the two men following.

"Thank you so much Janine, I owe you."

"Don't worry about it, you can return the favor sometime."

You ran to another room to get your purse and coat.

"Either of you want your horoscope?" she said sitting at the desk, holding a magazine.

"Sure!" Ray said giddily, leaning over to see the magazine.


"No, thank you."

"You believe in Atlantis but not astrology?"

"I believe in astrology, planet configuration controls much more than most allow themselves to believe, what I don't trust is tabloids." Janine huffed in annoyance.

"Y/n! Want your horoscope?"

"Oh yeah, sure. Can you read it to me?" you said, pulling on your coat.

"Oooh it's a good one," Janine said, skimming the page. "It says, 'Something could bring you much closer to someone special. The chance to talk will reveal exciting interests that you both share, and also pave the way for new developments in the future.'"

"Oooooooh," said Ray.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes before rushing out the door, saying your goodbyes and thanking Janine again.

"Good luck with your date!" she called out after you'd already walked out the door.

"Date?" said Egon and Ray simultaneously.

Janine smirked. "Yeah she's got a date tonight with some guy her friend knows, real yuppie type, stockbroker or something uptown. And based on her horoscope it'll probably go well," she said, lowering her glasses.

"On second thought, maybe I will read it," said Egon, grabbing the magazine from Janine, getting a laugh from her and Ray to laugh.

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