Head Over Heels

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I'm not sure how many chapters will be left but probably only a few more. Sorry if the timeline is a little wonky, I'm trying to make sure it all fits with the movies timeline but that is a little unclear :D

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"Close, lock the system, set your entry grid, neutronize your field, and... when the light is green the trap is clean." Ray was showing their new hire Winston how to unload the trap. "The ghost is incarcerated here in our custom storage facility."

Egon had been studying some equipment in the corner when he interrupted, "I'm worried Ray, it's getting crowded in there. And all my recent data points to something big on the horizon."

"What do you mean big?" asks Winston, as Ray helps light his cigarette.

"Well..." says Egon, "Let's say this twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. According to this morning's sample it would be a twinkie 35 feet long weighing approximately 600 pounds."

Ray coughs on his cigarette. "We could be on the verge of a four fold cross rip! A PKE surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions!"

"I've been trying to pinpoint where all of this energy is coming from but the smallest area I've been able to detect is the general Manhattan area."

"Godspeed," Winston said chuckling.

Hours later and Egon was still tinkering with his equipment to see if it gave more conclusive data but there was no luck, the data was all a mess.

"Urgh," Egon sighed in frustration. "I need to clear my head, this is getting me nowhere," he thought, sitting in his chair and pulling out one of the few books y/n lent them that he hadn't finished.

They'd gotten a lot of information about Zuul, but they still didn't know what it was doing in Dana's fridge. The only one who was completely satisfied was Peter who now had an excuse to see Dana tomorrow.

He scanned through the chapters and went to one titled "Mesopotamia". He skimmed the pages for any sign of Gozer or Zuul, something he did unenthusiastically after having already done so much research.

"Hm?" Egon said having come across a section titled 'Cult of Gozer'.

"The god was not entirely forgotten on Earth, and by 1920, a Gozerian cult was active in New York City led by the architect and physician Ivo Shandor..." Egon murmured. "Ivo Shandor..I wonder what buildings he designed. That could be the answer to where all the energy is coming from." He read on.

"Oh my God." Egon said, standing up abruptly and running out of the lab downstairs, where Ray and Winston were packing up after a call.

"What's up Egon?" asked Winston. "I think I figured something out, I need to make a phone call." he said, picking up the phone and dialing.

"If you're trying to call the library, they're closed. It's almost 9 o'clock you know." said Ray.

"Shit.." mumbled Egon.

"Buuuut I thought this would happen and I secured y/n's phone number for you."

"Oh thank God," said Egon. "Don't thank him, thank me!" exclaimed Ray as he fumbled through his locker for a slip of paper, handing it to Egon.

"Who's y/n?" asked Winston as Egon frantically dialed the number.

"She's this girl we met who works at the public library, she helped us with some research for a client. Egon won't admit this but he's got a thing for her," said Ray, winking. "Ohhhohoh I get it," laughed Winston.

"This phone call is completely unrelated to that, this is about-" the receiver picked up.

"Hello? This is Y/n."

"Y/n hello it's Egon." he said frantically.

"Oh Egon hi, this is a surprise, what is this abou-"

"Yes sorry, I have a question, does the library have blueprints of buildings? Or do you know where I could get some?"

"Blueprints um... maybe some. I can check for you tomorrow though. And if we don't have any I can check the City Hall or maybe the Historic Preservation center, those might be a better bet. Is this urgent? You sound a little... excited."

"Wow, I would really appreciate that. I'm not sure yet how urgent this is but the sooner I can get those blueprints the better." he said.

"Ok, well I'll be at work tomorrow early so I can check, and if we don't have them I can check somewhere else, what blueprints are you looking for?"

"For the apartments on 550 Central Park West. It's a high rise from the 20's, art deco."

"Ok I'll give you a call if I find them ok?"

"Ok um- thank you very much y/n."

"Any time. Goodnight Egon."

"Oh yeah um- goodnight." Egon hung up the phone.

"Ah man, I thought you were calling to ask her out." said Ray, disappointed.

After explaining his theory to the guys, Egon walked back to the lab and plopped into his chair. Amongst the anxiety about the impending doom of the situation, he couldn't help but feel a little excited to see the person he'd just called.

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