🌷1# : First met/prologue

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Ah... That specific moment.

That moment when I first met my wife, Ragatha.

Such a silly recall... But beautiful memories.

I'll forever cherish this memory, as long as I live.


Pomni POV :

Where... Am I...?

What is this place...?

Who am I?

Why am I here?

Who... Are all of these people staring at me?

I try to stand up, holding my head. In front of me, stood a tall, purple rabbit with a huge grin, a mask with a red ribbon body, a... Chess piece? A weird mix and match toy... And this... Ragdoll girl.

"W... What...?" I stammer, my eyes darting across the room.

"Who are you? Who are all of you?"
My small body trembled slightly in panic, confusion and fear, my eyes glued to every single 'person' in this place.

Suddenly, the tall redhead ragdoll girl approached me with a sweet smile on her face.

"Hello there, new stuff! I guess you're new here... But don't panic, everything's gonna be okay." The girl said, Looking at me who looked confused and dumb.

"WHAT THE F#&* IS GOING ON?!" I yelled, holding my head. What makes me more confused is that, when I wanted to say 'fuck' it was somehow replaced with a squeaking sound.

I'm scared, I don't know these people... But this girl beside me... She tries to comfort me. I looked her in the eyes nervously, her left eye is a blue button, and her right eye is normal.

The girl looked at me with a warm smile on her face, showing genuine care.

"What's your name?" She asks.

"My name is... Uh..." I instantly notice something VERY concerning about me. It takes me a few moments to remember my own name.

"Whoa?! I can't remember my name!" I yelled again.

I panicked a bit, and felt a bit desperate too. What's my name? Who am I? Why am I even alive and be here? There's nothing in my head than just those train of thoughts.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.


Yeah, Pomni.

That's my new name.

Kinda silly, I know.

And that ragdoll girl I met earlier?

Her name is Ragatha.

While the others are Jax, Gangle, Kinger, Zooble. There's also this 'headmaster' named Caine and his pal (???) Bubble.

Ragatha then told me that all of them went through the same thing as well.

Entering this digital world, which they probably don't want to be in, trying to find an exit, failed, and ended up residing here along with the others.

Ragatha also told me that I'll get used to this.

I befriended all of them... But the people I'm close to the most are Ragatha and Jax.

Well, I guess I'll just try to survive here.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.


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