🌷13# : mistletoe

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A Christmas special :)
Merry Christmas to the ppl who celebrate it!

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Ragatha POV :

There... Almost done!

Me and my girlfriend are finished decorating the Christmas tree! Now we just need to set the foods...

I take out some chicken from the oven, placing it on the dining table. Meanwhile, Pomni gets the cutleries.


I turn my head when my girlfriend calls me.


"Which one do you prefer, the champagne, wine, or?"

I think for a second.

"Hmm... It's probably nice to have some champagne for the dinner."


Pomni then takes two bottles of champagne from the fridge and some ice to keep it cool.

"Okay... Everything's set, then! Now we just need to-"

I interrupted myself as I glance down on a mistletoe on the table. Right... I was planning on doing the mistletoe kiss with Pomni. I'm gonna hold it up above our heads, then kiss.

"Dolly, what's wrong?"

Pomni asks, coming over to see what's going on.

"O-oh! Nothing. I just uhh... Saw something... Right! We need to set the fire in the fireplace... It's chilly here!"

I nervously walk towards the fireplace to set the fire.

I can sense Pomni feeling suspicious towards me. Darn it, Ragatha.

After we set everything up, we change into our date outfit.

I'm wearing a red long sleeved dress that exposed my shoulders and white heels. I also wear a red ribbon as a hair accessory.

"Pomni, I'm ready!"

"Wait a sec!"

A few moments later, Pomni got out of the room, wearing a red turtleneck sweater, black mini skirt with transparent black stockings and light brown ankle boots.

"Aww... You look so cute!"

I smile at my girlfriend. She really is beautiful...

"You too, dolly. I love your fit!"

"Thanks, pompom... Now how about let's start our Christmas night?"


After we make sure we look nice, we both head to the church to pray and join the choir.

Then we head home, to start our home date!

I put my purse aside, so as Pomni. Then we walk to the dining room to eat dinner, but before that I warmed up some of the food first.

We then both sat on the chair in front of each other, and held each other's hands.

"Merry Christmas, Pomni."

"Merry Christmas to you too, dolly."

God, I love her so much...

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

After we finished eating dinner, we drank some champagne and danced together in the living room.

"I wanna drink more..."

"Let's not get too drunk, pompom."

"Oh, okay..."

Then comes our favorite part, giving each other presents!

When I opened my present, I got a pendant... It's so pretty. It's a shape of a heart. There's also the both of our names written inside it when I open the locket.

"Aw... This is so pretty... Thank you, Pomni."

I smile as I put the pendant on.

"You're welcome, dolly."

Then it's Pomni's turn to open her present. I gave her a silver bracelet with white pearl beads.

"Thank you, dolly... I love this."

Pomni then puts other bracelet on her right wrist.

"You're welcome, pompom. I'm glad you love it..."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Okay... Now it's time.

I'm so nervous...

I shakily hold the mistletoe in my hand, then walks to Pomni who is putting the present boxes in a drawer.



Pomni turns her head towards me.

"What is it, dolly?"


I show her the mistletoe I'm holding.

"Do you... Wanna do this?"

Pomni blushed heavily in instant, looking at the mistletoe then back at me.

"Y-yeah, sure..."

I sigh, trying to calm myself down as I feel my face getting warm from blushing.

I walk closer to her, holding the mistletoe above our heads, holding Pomni's cheek with my other hand...

Then we kissed.

We kiss each other on the lips, as I keep holding the mistletoe up.

After a few moments, we pull away, taking breaths.

"That... Was... Amazing?"

Pomni chuckled.

"It's the first time someone kissed me under a mistletoe."

"Yeah... Me too... And I'm so glad we get to do it."

Pomni smiled at me as I said that.

"I love you, Ragatha... I'm so glad I've met you."

"I love you too, Pomni. And I'm also really glad I've met someone like you."

"This is the best Christmas I've ever had. Thank you for all of this... Thank you for making this the best Christmas for us, dolly."

Later that night, we cuddled in blankets on the sofa in front of the fireplace, as snow falls outside the window.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

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