🌷2# : Forgiveness

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Pomni POV :

A lot of stuff happened, someone named Kaufmo was 'abstracted' because he reached his breaking point, we tried to calm him down (except for Jax because he disappeared in thin air) but failed...

I left Ragatha who was being thrown and tossed across the room by Kaufmo, leaving her in so much pain. After Caine fixed her up, getting her back to normal, me and Ragatha grew distant. She doesn't sit next to me at dinner and sits far away, she doesn't even speak to me after all that happened.

It's all my fault.

I wish I hadn't left her.

She hates me now...

It's all my fault... It's all my fault... It's all my fault... It's all my fault...

I sit in my room, depressed. I guess me and Ragatha aren't friends anymore now.

Even though she said she forgives me for leaving her behind, I don't think that's genuine... Oh god what have I done...? It's all my fault...

I wish I hadn't left her. I wish I would just stick with her. It's fine if I got glitched too. Caine could always fix me up.

Ragatha hates me now, doesn't she?

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Well. I guess I'll just talk to her then. I can't stay like this. I don't want us to eventually hate each other. I just want to fix everything.

I stand up, walking to the door. But I stopped.

Wait... What if she doesn't forgive me?

Well... It's fine I guess. At least I talked to her. For the first time in weeks.

I walk to Ragatha's room, taking a deep breath before finally knocking on the door.

Not to my surprise, she opens the door no longer after I knocked.

When she sees me standing in front of her, she sighs and said,

"Oh... It's you."

My heart cracked, but doesn't shatter. I know she's going to act like this towards me.

"L-look, Ragatha, I'm... So sorry for leaving you behind..."

Ragatha gave me a bitter smile, and welcomes me in. I nervously walk in her room, and she tells me to sit beside her on her bed. I did what she told me.

"Now... We can speak freely. You can continue now." She says.

I sighed, and start explaining.

"So uh... I'm... Really sorry for leaving you behind that time... I didn't know what to do... I uh... I-I was supposed to get some help, but I got distracted by an exit door, entered it, and... I went somehow a bit insane. Caine saved me, fixed you up from glitching... And yeah. I understand if you don't forgive me... It's my fault after all."

Ragatha looked at me and blinked.

"Sorry? Pomni, what do you mean sorry?"

I frown a bit and look at her.

"Y-yeah. Sorry, sorry for leaving you. I shouldn't have left you. And I'm genuinely sorry for that..."

This time, to my surprise, Ragatha smiled and puts her hand on mine.

"Pomni, why are you saying sorry? I already forgave you. It's not your fault, okay? I understand that you were panicked, scared and desperate for an exit. it's okay. And, sorry for being so distant towards you lately... I was feeling a bit awkward to talk to you after what happened. I'm just... Afraid that you no longer care for me, and besides, I don't want the situation between us get awkward."

I looked at her, my eyes wide.

"R-really? You really do forgive me?"

"Yeah! What's the use of not forgiving you, silly?" Ragatha chuckled.

"Now... Let's go from the start, okay? Let's get the things like how it used to."

I smile at her response.

"Alright. Thank you for forgiving me..."

"And thank you for understanding."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

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