🌷10# : "sometimes it's okay to cry."

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More angsty angsty >:3
Yes, I'm a sucker for Pomni comforting Ragatha.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Ragatha POV :

Everything's gonna be okay.

It'll pass soon.

I'll be fine later once it's over, although it'll perhaps never be over.

It's just a small mistake.

It's just a little pain.

Everything's gonna be fine, right?

I'll just put a smile on my face, act happy and optimistic as usual.

I'm okay.

I'm alright.

I'm fine.

It hurts but that's okay.

These pains bottling inside my heart slowly, but I hold it tight, so it doesn't overflow.

You know what that means, right?

I keep listening to people's rants and vents, being a shoulder for them to lean on.

I'm tired. But that's okay.

I'm in pain. But that's okay.

It's so hard. It's so difficult to just say what I'm feeling to others. So I just keep it to myself. I don't want the others to get involved in my problems.

How do I express how I feel?

I've been comforting people for a bit too much, that I even forgot how to comfort myself.

Yet those people still mistreat me.

My heart cracked, falling apart and shattered for lots of times, but I still force myself to repair it... At least.

Sometimes my chest would hurt, physically, probably because I'm holding in so much pain.

I could only lay in bed and cry silently, alone. I don't want people to see me like this. Not even my girlfriend, Pomni.

The only coping mechanism I have is forgetting. That doesn't completely work, though. If I remember it I'll just be sad again.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

Make it stop.

I'm tired.

I want to scream.

I can't hold this in anymore.

Help me.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

One day, I sit on the couch, my mind blank. I'm so tired, mentally.


A sudden familiar voice made me jump as I snap back to reality.

"O-oh, hey pompom."

I smile at my girlfriend.

"Are you okay, dolly? You seem... Sad."

"What? Oh, no. I'm perfectly fine! Just y'know, thinking about stuff..."

"I see..."

Pomni then sat beside me.

She held my hand.

It looks like she knows something.

"Dolly, do you wanna talk about something?"

"Huh? Uh, like what?"


My girlfriend's reply made my heart sank deep.

"Heart? I don't understand, honey..."

Pomni smiles softly at me and said,

"Yes. Heart. And something inside it."

I blink in confusion.


Pomni giggles as I said that.

"You don't know? Feelings. Something in our hearts, it's called feelings."

I understand now.

"I see... But, what are we supposed to talk about "feelings"?"

My sweet girlfriend smiles at me again.

"Honesty. Our true feelings."


"I... Don't know how to do that..."

Pomni sighs and smiles sweetly.

"If you don't know how to express your honesty, I'll go first."

She adjusts her seat and begin speaking.

"You know... I love night walks, especially in the summer. I love to ride a bike on a sunny day to the park or beach. It makes me feel content and happy. I love feeling the soft breeze of wind brushing my hair, and do you know what I love the most? Having a quality time with you. Spending my life with you feels much better than anything. Today, talking to you about these feelings, makes my heart feel warm. Because I get to talk to you about how I feel."

She gazed at me, her eyes full of love.

Then, she continued again.

"Dolly, you know what? Expressing our feelings and being honest is a very rightful thing to do. It's okay to be honest with your loved ones or even yourself. You can cry, you can be angry, you can tell anything you feel, and that's okay. That's completely okay. Don't worry about being judged, your feelings matter. YOU matter."

I gaze at her, holding back tears.

"So... You're saying that it's completely okay to express myself and how I feel? It's okay to cry? It's okay to be happy? It's okay to be angry? It's okay to be honest with my feelings...?"

Pomni nodded.


"Listen, Ragatha."

Pomni holds my hands.

"Our hearts belong to each other. That means we'll have to understand and be honest to each other. Being happy doesn't mean you're an 'attention seeker'. Being sad doesn't mean you're a 'crybaby' or 'pessimistic'. And being angry doesn't mean you're 'horrible'. We're human. We have the right to have a heart. We have the right to feel."

She gazed into my eyes deeply.

"Ragatha, sometimes it's okay to cry, you know?"

As I heard that, I immediately burst into tears. I hug my girlfriend tightly, sobbing and sniffling.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

My cries start to get louder. I rather sound like a child...

I coughed a bit because of how much I cried. Pomni pats my back softly, while telling me that it's all going to be okay.

"Dolly, it's okay. I'm right beside you. As long as I'm here with you, you're okay."

Pomni then got up, bringing me a glass of water. I drank it and felt so much better. I hug her again, kissing her cheek.

"Thank you so much for understanding, pompom."

"Anytime, dolly."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

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