🌷9# : Cooking together

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Just one thing : Pomni can't cook for shit.
Also, idk if I got the recipe here right or wrong. Pls don't follow my tutorial and go search up the real recipe instead-

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Pomni POV :

It's almost 19:00 pm now. Me and Ragatha are a bit busy working, me on my laptop and Ragatha drawing outfit designs in her tablet, also finishing her plushies.

I realized that we haven't cooked dinner yet. My stomach starts to rumble, I stop going on on my laptop. I'm hungry. But the thing is, I don't know how to cook. I can only make toast, instant noodles and fried eggs. That's all.

I'm currently in the mood for some pasta.

So I turn off my laptop, then decided to go to my girlfriend Ragatha, who is working in her work room.


I slowly hug her from behind.

"I'm hungry."

"Oh, pompom... What do you want to eat for dinner?"

She asks.

"Ah... I'm in the mood for some pasta at the moment."

"I see... What kind of pasta do you want?"

"I dunno... Hey... Dolly? If you don't mind... Can we uh, cook together? Since I wanna learn how to cook."

I ask her quickly.

"Cooking together? I'd love to!"

Ragatha quickly stands up and leads me to the kitchen.

"Hmm... Let's see what we got here..."

I watch as Ragatha checks the fridge and cupboard for ingredients. After a while, she looks at me, smiling.

"Pompom, how about carbonara pasta? Would you like to have that?"

My ears perk up as she said that.

"Yes please!"

Ragatha smiled as she hears my response.

"So, let's get cooking, then!"

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

We prepare the ingredients, bacon, eggs, cheese, olive oil, salt, pepper, etc.

After we gathered all the ingredients, we start to cook.

"So... First off, all we need to do is boil some water..."

Ragatha pours down some water in a pot, then puts it on the stove to boil.

"After we boil it... We put the pasta? In the boiling water?"

I ask.

"Of course! But don't leave the pasta in the water for too long."

I nod after hearing Ragatha's response.

A while later, the water boiled, and I put the pasta and a pinch of salt in the boiling water. I put it in nervously, not wanting to accidentally dip my hand or finger in the boiling hot water.


I sigh, after deciding to just throw that damn pasta in the water.

While the pasta is being cooked in the boiling water, I help Ragatha make the uh... Sauce?

I want to try to chop up the garlic, but I'm too scared to cut myself. Ragatha helps me, she holds my hand from behind and guides me.

"Like this..."

I see. Okay.

Hey, I'm starting to get used to this. After I chop up the garlic, I chop up the other ingredients, while Ragatha beats the eggs in a bowl.


I flinch, feeling a sudden stinging pain in my finger. I look down, only to realize that I've accidentally cut myself.


I hiss slightly in pain.

"Pompom, what's wrong?"

Ragatha rushes over, dropping everything she's doing.

"A-ah, it's nothing... I just accidentally cut myself with the knife, I wasn't focusing that much, hehe..."

I explain. Ragatha picks up my hand gently, caressing it.

"Wait... I'll get the first aid kit."

"W-wait no no no it's fine-"

Before I even finish my sentence, Ragatha already rushed over to get the first aid kit. After that she rushes back with the first aid kit in her hand.

"Hold still... Tell me if it hurts okay?"


Ragatha started to softly put some wound medicine on my cut with a cotton, then conceals the cut with a band-aid.

"There. Be careful next time okay, darling?"

"I will. Thanks, dolly."

Ragatha then looks over at the pot on the stove.

"Oh, looks like our pasta is ready."

She quickly turns off the stove and drains the water in the sink.

After she drains the water, she puts the now cooked pasta in the plate, then I add the sauce me and her made earlier. Lastly, we divide it into two portions and I put each of the portions in our plates.

"We did it!"

I exclaim happily as I sit on the dining table with my girlfriend.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart."

Ragatha smiled at me. I smile back at her.

"Thank you for helping me learn to cook, dolly."

"You're welcome, love."

We then eat the dinner that we cooked, and wash the dishes together. I might wanna learn how to cook again some time later... I think I might be addicted to cooking. Heheh, just kidding!

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

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