🌷3# : Feelings

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Ragatha POV :

It's already been a few months since I've met my best friend, Pomni. Even though we're 5 years apart, we see each other equally. I care for her, she cares about me too.

But these feelings starting to get... Different? I don't see her as my best friend anymore... I see her more as my crush.

That's right...

I'm in love with her.

The thought of us getting together... It's too much for me to bear.

I love Pomni so much... I just can't stand this.

I need to tell her that I love her... But, what if she doesn't love me back?

One day I sit in my room, crying, overthinking of what if Pomni would reject me.

But... If she really would reject me, it's okay. I deserve that rejection. Who wants to be with a stupid ragdoll with patched up dress anyways... I already look like a peasant. A pathetic peasant.

I only deserve to be tossed around and abused... Not being in a relationship with someone who is out of my league. I'm just a dumb ragdoll.

Remember that, Ragatha.

You're a pathetic, useless ragdoll.

No one would want me anyways. Maybe not even Pomni.

I always listen to people, but they never listen to me. I always comfort people, but they never comfort me. They all never cared about me.

It hurts.

I somehow can't bring myself to say 'no'. I'm too scared of what if I make someone disappointed and they'll hate me after for being 'selfish'.

It really hurts...

I rest my head on the pillow, letting my tears stain it. I sniffle, trying to wipe my tears that just kept flowing with no end.

I can't be like this, I'll have to look okay. I'll have to look fine in front of everyone.

Sighing, I get out of bed, wash my face and go outside with a smile on my face as I greet everyone.

"Hey Ragatha!" Pomni beamed and hugged me tight.

"Where have you been?"

"Ah... I was in my room tidying my stuff." I lied.

Pomni POV :

There's something a bit off about Ragatha. Her eyes are red and watery, she looks a bit down as well.

"Ragatha, are you okay?" I ask her, concerned.

She smiled at me and answered,

"I'm okay."

But no matter how hard she's trying to hide it, it still pretty visible that she's been crying.

What's wrong with her? I hope she's really okay... I really hate to see her cry.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Later that afternoon, I was supposed to be looking for Jax, because he hid my socks somewhere. I wanted to sue him for that, but gladly I've found my socks, though.

I walk around and see... Ragatha crying in a corner of a room. I knew it, I knew she wasn't okay.

Since I'm her best friend, of course I decide to approach her to perhaps... Comfort her.

"Hey... Ragatha?"

Ragatha POV :

I jumped a bit quickly wiping my tears. I look behind me and see my crush, Pomni.

"Ah, hey, Pomni." I smile a bit.

"Is everything okay?" Pomni asks me, as she sits down beside me.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine. I just got something in my eye... That's all." I chuckle, but sobbed a little as I do so.

"Ragatha, look..."

Pomni puts her hand on my shoulder.

"You know you can always talk to me whenever you need, right? Since you've always listened to me, it's time for me to listen to you."

She smiled. Her smile made my heart melt. I start to cry again.

"P-Pomni... I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

I take a deep breath, and exhale.

"I'm in love with you."

Pomni stared at me in surprise.

"You're... In love with... Me?"

"Y-yeah! I-I really am in love with you. I love you so much, Pomni... I... I just can't resist these feelings..."

I start to sob as I cover my face with both my hands.

"Ragatha..." Pomni pulls me in a soft hug.

"I love you too."

"W... Wait... Y-you do?"

"Of course! I love you so much too." Pomni giggles. Her sweet voice warms my heart.

"I love you too, Ragatha. I've always been hiding my own feelings towards you too. Now that you've confessed first, I'm glad that you feel the same way I do. And I really appreciate it."

I start to cry even more. Not because of sadness, but because of joy. I hugged my new girlfriend tightly, sobbing into her shoulder.

"I love you, sweetheart..."

"I love you more, dollie."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

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