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A tune resonated through the room . It is of some song I don't know were only allowed to listen to song to prepare dance when our masters demand so . He likes to whistle to this song , the song of my nightmare . It can be used as the haunted house theme song , recorded in his voice . The tune he likes to make as he tears me apart . The tune which wakes me up in the middle of day as I try to keep my demons down and have a sleep so my eyes won't look as puffy as they do .

Day , yes we're not allowed to sleep at night just to put habit of it so we don't drowse in front of our masters and I have mastered it perfectly now I hardly sleep at day as well.

"Bug , do I ask of you a lot ? Can't you be perfect already ? How many times do I have to go over it with you again and again and again and again-" and he walks through the glass with his shoes on as he keeps repeating the word again and then he picks me up from neck how a dog is picked.

I keep my eyes down .

" Looks like tonight you just want punishments tough luck I wish you waited till Halloween . I could have turned it more fun but here we are "

He leans forward and leans where my had fallen off . Internally I shudder at the touch , guess I'm still not used to it . I should be it'll make it all easier .

" Stand up !" He voice is still normal but the impact of it is loud . He is angry now . A doll should not complain of pain . How dare I complain ?

But keeping my legs straight was task in itself with the glass piercing through it . I could feel the liquid drip down my legs . Wish I bleed out completely tonight but I know he will bring me back from death . I can't die without his permission .

" Hands to the pole " so walk trying to keep my legs straight as I do so , I little wince and the night won't end it'll keep going on and on .

The pole is situated on the right hand side , two poles with bondages on it . He helps me with the ties , holding either of my hand to either sides of pole and doing the same with my legs . The sudden force making the blood flow more intensely .

He whistles again as he chooses his weapon for the night and the anticipation of what my punishment is tonight keeps my eyes trained to the rack of it but not higher enough to meet his frame .

He settles for a whip with thorns on it . Not so bad . Last time it was blades so I guess I'll heal just fine with minimal damage.

" I want you to keep smiling as I whip you fifty times , if you stop we will start counting again okay ? "

I nod . That's all he wants me to do as affirmation not that I have a say in it .

I raise my face up and that's when I see him again , crystal blue eyes deep like the sea . He is by no means old nor does he looks like one . He is like those guys mentioned in those books which are rated above 18 which I read . A perfect face with perfect eyebrows better than mine actually , his jaws are defined and his hair is gel back with no hair out of line . He has tan skin the kind girls would die for with his height he should have no problem with anything . He is perfect and hence he wants perfection . I get him .

" Let's start shall we " and before I can answer he unties the knot to my dress but the fall on my arms so he tears them apart . My body was completely bare to him , nothing he hasn't seen already .

And then comes the first slash right on my thighs . I keep an awkward look on my face I don't know if it counts as smiling . I haven't done that in a long while , guess I need to learn to do it in case he asks again if he is not okay with this one .

And then came second on my back my so called smile was still intact . This hardly feels , I'm just exhausted and want to get over with it so I can go curl in my room as a bug , he calls me that cause I curl up like one after he's done with me .

I guess after the thirty fifth one I lost my smile for a moment but luckily he didn't saw that cause he was whipping my hips . And then it kept going until forty sixth when he whipped at my knees , the same place with glass and I inhaled my eyes closed for a nano second.

"Tsk Tsk tsk , couldn't have waited for four more now I have to count all over again " dread passed me . Again ! Where will he hit me again , I was okay the first time but once he starts hitting over old gashes it'll hurt no matter how much I try it'll hurt .

He must've seen the horror in my eyes cause he smiled . He likes my pain , my reaction it gives him satisfaction .

He stood in front of me , his hand caressing my face .

" Come on bug , 50 more we can do it , yes !" And before I could ask for anything he slashes me with the blade I didn't knew he had with him above my rib cage .

The sound I made was appealing to him cause little by little counting with each slash he kept smiling like a child who won chocolate , after 15th I started to loose my self his voice getting more and more distance.

If there is someone above looking after me as Juliet says please end it tonight , let me bleed out so I can rest forever , please please please .

Just as I was hoping for my death the door opened and in came the reason of my wishes . The guys who is the sole reason of me being here with phone in his hand and urgency in his eyes.

His eyes widens for a splash as he looks at me soaked in blood but it goes away as soon as it comes .

" You better have a good reason Jordan , I was in middle of teaching "

" Mr . Delano is dead " his voice is still the same , like velvet like a smooth petal of rose . The voice I fell in love with , the voice which bought me this hell .

Looks like I have to wait for death , it won't be coming tonight cause whoever killed this Delano has to take a part of my punishment now . This guys stopped my easy access to death .

Thank you

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